Bare Health

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Hayfever – Ease the Sneeze!

Hayfever – Ease the Sneeze!

After a very long winter, it seems that Spring has now finally arrived. For many of us, it is a time of year that brings new life and renewed energy, lighter mornings and nights and nature itself truly starts to awaken once more. We start looking forward to the Summer, and begin to plan our holidays, time with friends & family and long days in the outdoors . We could liken it to our emergence from Hibernation! However, for some of us, the return of Spring also brings the misery of Hayfever Season!

Hayfever is a common problem that arises during the Spring & Summer months and is part of the group of health conditions known as Allergic Rhinitis – allergies to airborne substances which lead to inflammation in the lining of the nose, throat and eyes. ‘Hayfever’ mainly refers to an allergy to ‘Pollen’.

It has been estimated that between 15-20% of the UK population and other Industrialised western countries suffer from Hayfever. The condition usually presents itself in response to an abnormal (allergic) reaction of the body to pollen that comes into contact with the nose, eyes or throat. The Immune system reacts to what is usually a ‘harmless’ substance because it views it as ‘harmful’ as if being under attack. Consequently, it retaliates, releasing large amounts of histamine which in turn causes itching, inflammation and irritation in local tissues.
The common sources of pollen that brings about such reactions are from grass, trees and flowers. In temperate climates, such as the UK, pollen levels dramatically increase in Spring as nature returns to life.
So, what are the Symptoms and how can it be treated? The main symptoms are often sneezing, itchy or runny nose, irritation at the back of the throat, itchy or runny eyes, bronchial congestion and blocked noses. With the degree of severity of these symptoms  differing from person to person. Conventional treatments include antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, eye drops and steroids. However, there are also a number of natural remedies that may also offer significant relief.

The key to reducing the severity of such reactions lies in minimising allergen levels in the bloodstream and buffering the response to them. Making some simple health changes can also help reduce the strain on your mucous membranes, strengthen your immune system &
reduce the amount of histamine floating about inside you.
Quercetin, Ester C and Pine Bark (Pycnogenol) are effective anti-histamines, stabilising the mast cells, which release the cause of all the misery. Natural sources of quercetin include onions, apples and green tea.

MSM, a rich source of sulphur, helps keep mucous thin, eases the breathing and nourishes the liver, which is responsible for histamine breakdown. Liquorice has an anti-inflammatory effect and is soothing for those irritated mucous membranes. 

Echinacea may help support effective Immune function as will taking low doses of Vitamin C throughout the day. Nettles (urtica) are especially good if you have high histamine levels & suffer from ‘prickly heat’, they work as a blood tonic and help reduce histamine levels. They also contain Silica which may help strengthen lung tissue. Nettle can be found in the form of tincture, tablets or tea bags.

A tincture of herbs including Sponge cucumber (Luffa Operculata) is suitable for Hayfever sufferers and is safe to be taken by adults, children and people on medication, although it is available in tablet form, it often gets into the system quicker as a tincture. It works by eradicating the most common symtoms.

The Homeopathic Remedy ‘Euphrasia’ (Eyebright) is also an effective remedy to ease the irritation of itchy, inflamed eyes and a consultation with a qualified Homeopath will ensure you get a remedy tailored to your unique symptoms.

All of these remedies can be found at an Independent Health Store near you.

In addition, sufferers should minimise or cut out the following products to alleviate the strain on your immune system and mucous membranes: Dairy products, Caffeine, Artificial colourings and flavourings, and artificial sweeteners. Whilst increasing fruit, vegetable and water intake.

Finally, don't forget that a daily dose of local honey can also help ease the seasonal sneeze!

Let’s hope that this year your Hayfever becomes less sneeze & more of a breeze! So you too can enjoy the delights summer can bring and ditch those tissues!

For more advice on the information or products mentioned within this article please call Bare Health, Congleton on 01260 408413 or alternatively email

This information does not replace the advice of your GP or healthcare professional. Always seek their advice if taking prescribed medication


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