Bare Health

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Let the flowers take the strain

Let the Flowers take the strain
by Jane Bowdenleigh MSC, LNWCH

Bach Flower essences are a wonderful natural support for our emotional and mental health all year round, but particularly at stressful times like Christmas.  Many people are aware of Rescue Remedy (a combination of 5 Bach Flowers – Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Rock Rose, Impatiens).  It is one remedy I always carry around with me; handy for shock, grief or moments of panic. Rescue Remedy with White Chestnut can also bring ease if you are finding it difficult to sleep. The key indication for White Chestnut is that you find you cannot switch off persistent thoughts at night and replay past events or conversations.The two remedies together, work well to calm your mind and allow you to get a natural night’s sleep.

Bach Flower essences can be taken 4 drops at a time, direct onto the tongue or in water. They work just as well in hot drinks. You can even add them to your tea or coffee.  It is recommended to take a flower essence up to 4 times a day.  You can take them more frequently if you feel they are needed, without any side effects. 

There are 38 remedies in total introduced by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s.  Dr Bach believed they could address all aspects of our emotional health which has been my experience using them over many years.  His aim was for the remedies to be an accessible form of healing.  The remedies can be bought over the counter or you may see a Bach Flower Practitioner to help you find the most suitable combination of up to 7 remedies individual to you.  At the same time a Practitioner will educate about the remedies so that users can go onto select remedies for themselves when needed.

Why see a Bach Flower Practitioner at all?  My own experience, even as a therapist, is that it is valuable to have the opportunity of a safe, secure space to explore what I am feeling. We can all benefit from stopping and reflecting on life’s challenges. Christmas is one of those times of the year, when it can be especially difficult to find the time and space we need. To sit with a Practitioner enables you to receive an objective assessment of where you feel stuck. The Practitioner will check out which of the remedies most resonate with your feelings and make up an individual mix that matches where you are presently.

If you are curious how Bach Flower Essences can you bring you more Christmas cheer then call into Bare Health in Congleton town centre.  I am available most Thursday mornings and will be in store on Wednesday 10th December between 6.30-9.00pm at the Christmas discount event. 

For more information contact Jane Bowdeneigh, Registered Homeopath, at Bare Health. 
Tel 01260 408413.  

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