Dealing with the stresses of everyday life
Do you want to experience more joy?
Do you want to reduce emotional suffering?
Do you want to experience fulfilling relationships with everyone in your life?
Do you want to know how?
How we think about our life will determine the quality of our days. It’s not what happens to you in life but how you respond to what happens to you that matters. Becoming aware of the thoughts we’re thinking is a step towards living a life where you can be fully responsible, content and dare I say ‘happy’ with the life you are living. Getting in touch with how you really feel and having the courage to address the issues that your negative emotions unveil for you means you will understand the purpose of sorrow, grief, anger, frustration etc and these emotions won’t scare you so much as they can empower you to make the changes necessary to enable you to live your best life. Becoming aware of the thoughts we are thinking and by observing them in a non-judgmental way enables us to see the true nature of our emotions and how they drive our behaviour. Understanding ourselves better means that we can start to take personal responsiblity for how we feel and this will empower us to become more confident in our ability to cope with emotionally charged events in the future.
Life has become hectic. We are rushing here, there and everywhere to get ‘everything’ done. When do we stop and assess what is this ‘everything’ that we ‘have to’ get done? Simplify your life! It’s time for a spring clean. There are many different tools you can employ to enable you to create your best life and I would like to introduce you to a few that I have personally found to be extremely useful. Each person will find the tools most useful for themselves as we are all unique and no doubt we already have some strategies that have got us this far in life. I liken it to crawling along as a caterpillar. As a caterpillar I’m functioning pretty well however, I yet have no idea that instead of crawling I could be flying. I will undergo a phenomenal transformation that will give me wings. Flying is so much better that crawling! Transformation can be painful and so many people don’t bother as the majority will take the path of least resistance. To live a life of no regrets and to get to the end of my life knowing that every day I gave the very best of me is all the incentive I need to entice me to the higher path. Are you ready to embark on the journey of self discovery? It’s not for the faint hearted. It can be painful, requires courage, determination and persistence. Do I think it has been worth it for me? Absolutely!
Next Stress Busting Workshop is on: Wednesday 17th April 7 – 9pm
Learn how to get the most out of mind training techniques and find out which natural supplements can help to boost feelings of emotional well being.
For more information and to book your place call into Bare Health or phone Mel, Lisa or Sue on 01260 408413. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.