Bare Health

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Lisa's Thought for the Week

A better life is possible

by Lisa Barlow

I really believe if we want something enough we can find a way of getting it. We believe change is difficult so we stay the same. We do not do ‘whatever it takes’ to change our lives. We can all grow as human beings. Where ever we happen to be on the evolution mountain, I believe we can all climb to a higher ledge. We are all on our own paths of development, WE are the most rewarding project to begin, for I don’t believe we can ‘complete’; we’re always a ‘work in progress’, evolutionary speaking. How exciting!  Just suppose that our purpose here was to experience consciousness; to live. Suppose this is it? To experience the present moment as it is. To BE with the present moment as it happens, this is all. Some spiritual thinkers believe this is it. I’ve no idea why we’re here to be honest, but I must admit I am drawn to the spiritual path. I believe emotional and spiritual healing is possible through our relationships with each other. Again I’m uncertain ‘how’ this works, it’s guess work, but I’ve been experimenting these past few years, it’s interesting.

What if we were to recognise that each interaction we have with another is an opportunity to awaken our higher self, to heal hurts that we have picked up along the way, the events and emotions that got ‘stuck’ in our DNA?  How do we become unstuck? It is my belief we have to WANT to......ENOUGH. We must want the new chapter ENOUGH to stop re-reading the last one. Sometimes it is necessary to go back in order to let go of what got stuck...back then. You can then live in the present without this baggage. Life can become lighter if you empty the rucksack of the past with all the hurts, rejections and disappointments. I like the saying ‘if the train didn’t stop at your station, it wasn’t your train’. There are things which happen to us in life that we didn’t ask for, didn’t plan for and most definitely didn’t want. And maybe it always comes back to when you have no control over the situation, return to your response. It is an expression of your highest version of yourself, the place where love resides.

Lisa Barlow is a Personal Development Coach at Bare Health, Congleton. If you would like to chat to Lisa to find out how personal development coaching can help you or to book a one to one appointment, please contact Bare Health on 01260 408413.