Bare Health

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Be a natural Wildflower Beauty!

WILDFLOWER BEAUTY WORKSHOP - Saturday 4th October 2014

An inspiring workshop not to be missed with Bare Health Medical Herbalist Catherine Schofield (BSc BA MSc MNIMH)

Expand your knowledge of hedgerow herbs & flowers, their medicinal properties and how they can be simply transformed into natural beauty products for your skin and hair. On the day Catherine will discuss a variety of herbal remedies whilst demonstrating how to make simple products/preparations that you can make in the comfort of your own home. You will also get the opportunity to have a go at making your own preparation during the workshop that you can then take away with you.

"Let your Beauty flourish in full bloom, as nature intended"

Saturday 4th October 2014
Where:   Bare Health, Congleton
Time:     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost:      £15 (£5 deposit on booking)
(plus a small charge on the day for materials)
To book your place please call Bare Health on 01260 408413.

A little about your workshop host........ Catherine Schofield 

Catherine Schofields' interest in herbal medicine began many years ago, when a member of her family, who suffered from severe osteo-arthritis, gained great and lasting benefit from consulting a medical herbalist and using herbal medicine.

Over the years she discovered more and more about the potential and effectiveness of herbal medicine. Inspired by this and wanting to practice, Catherine undertook an intensive three year degree course in herbal medicine at the University of Central Lancashire, where she gained a first class BSc. honours degree. This allowed her to be admitted to membership of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists(NIMH).

Catherine's course included orthodox diagnostics and clinical skills, physical examination, nutrition, pharmacology, physiology, anatomy and herbal therapeutics, which included the safe use and prescribing of herbs. She practice's within the western herbal tradition, but also uses some traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal medicines. 

To find out more about Herbal Medicine and how a consultation with Catherine may help you please 'click' on our lovely echinacea flower below.......

For more information, to make an appointment, or for a short no obligation chat to see if herbal medicine is right for you:

Telephone Catherine on 07947 128 70 or call Bare Health on 01260 408413, alternatively you can email

Thursday, 21 August 2014

To Change a Life

'To Change a Life'
by Lisa Barlow
Bare Health Personal Development Coach 

Sometimes we become overwhelmed by the enormity of it all, this beautiful thing we call life. Any event can rock our worlds, sending us emotionally off balance or even rocketing towards out of space. Well since I’ve been in out of space (emotionally speaking) I’d like to share some of the more cosmic lessons I’ve learned on my expedition.

I’ve been practicing mindfulness meditation now for a while and this practice of watching our thoughts come and go without judgement has proved an interesting time for me. For those of you who know me I’m fast. Fast thinking, fast talking, fast doing, My mind is, well.....busy. But it’s quietened down lately. I’ve consciously slowed down these past few years (almost stopped to be honest) and took time off the hamster wheel to take a good old look at my life. Some people believe that when we die we all get a ‘life review’, well I’ve done one now, before I die. It’s been painful, yet enlightening. I believe I’ve been handed this time out as a gift from the Universe and to be honest it doesn’t matter whether this is ‘the truth’, it’s my belief and I’ve learned we pretty much live out our beliefs and thus create our reality. Powerful stuff our minds!

I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing people who have opened my mind to new possibilities, I’ve read extensively in the areas of spirituality, philosophy and psychology. I’ve become my own experiment, it’s the most important course of study I believe I could have chosen to have enrolled on. I’ve faced things in the mirror that I really didn’t want to see. I’ve seen things in others that I would have preferred not to have seen. I’ve learned that a lesson can NOT be taught from the outside and our most important life lessons ARE the ones we learn for ourselves. Through relationship with ourselves and others we learn everything we need to learn about the most important things in life. I now know that I know nothing. Quite a liberating moment I feel. I believe we are the only people who know what we were sent here to do. It’s important to ask the right questions in life, not necessarily having the right answers as these are often relative and dependent on perception.

So, I’ve been thinking about my life and how I could gain a sense of control again after many things had happened which were most definitely outside of my control. I started back at the beginning. Who am I? What do I stand for? What are the values I wish to live by on a daily basis? I’ve learned that we go against ourselves and give our power away when we react to other people’s values. We’re like leaves that get blown around by the wind in the autumn time. Our values form the foundation of our inner lives. When we think, speak or behave in a way that goes against what we ‘believe’ our values to be it creates tension and anxiety. We can make all sorts of excuses and justifications for doing what we do and this will pacify our minds for a short while but it will not pacify our souls, the inner core of who we are. You may not even believe we have a soul, that we’re just mind and body, that’s fine, maybe just be open to the possibility.

I’ve learned that how I re-affirm myself in my thoughts matters.....alot. I’ve become aware of and changed some unhelpful, habitual thought patterns. I’ve done it, so can you too if you think it could improve your life, but you must slow down in order to become aware of them in the first place. Some people just push your buttons, touch your edges, however you want to describe it, they just wind you up and annoy the hell out of you. You know who and what I’m talking about, it happens most days. Our feelings are a wonderful sat nav to the places that need healing in us most. What I mean by this is when somebody does or says something that ‘touches our edges’ we respond, or should I more accurately say, react, with negativity, aggression or general defensiveness. A button has been pushed. Now I used to think that this was a fault of the other person, that whatever they said or did was completely unacceptable and out of order, and sometimes it is. But I’ve also come to realise that there is a lesson and an opportunity for growth in this interaction should I choose to be open enough to listen to my feelings. Now some people enjoy pushing other people’s buttons, they enjoy the power they feel they have to elicit a reaction. But in reality they have NO POWER over you. 

You are the one who holds the power to GIVE PERMISSION or WITHHOLD PERMISSION to let whatever they say or do affect you negatively. Let this sink in because it has taken me lots and lots of practice to fully understand this. What they display is coming ‘from them’ it belongs to them. If someone gives you a gift but you refuse to accept it, who owns the gift? Same with emotional stuff. If someone is having a bad day and is choosing to take out their bad mood on you, it says more about THEM than it does you. YOUR response says something about you. You can choose to walk away from them if this becomes the most loving option, for YOURSELF.  

Who are you? Work out what your most important values are and commit to living these out on a daily basis and you will feel less anxious and more confident. Yes, it is likely you will feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you’ve realised you’ve been living out someone else’s values for the past 40 years. You will change and your life will change. Some people will like this, some won’t and you will deal with this. 
 We just need to get better at recognising it when it comes our way, when our buttons have been pressed and knowing we have a CHOICE in our response. I read a book by Viktor Frankl called ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’,  its referenced in many a self help book. The learning I took from this is that there is a space between stimulus and response and it is in this space that we CHOOSE our destiny. We can make this space seem longer with practice. This is where mindful meditation can help. There are many helpful books and audios you can choose from on the internet so if you want to explore this in more detail choose something that resonates with you. 

Get used to trusting yourself. I’ve learned that WHO I am is more important that WHAT I do for a living and that I will always be enough wherever I go and whatever I end up doing.  I believe I can earn a living that is conducive to who I believe myself to be RIGHT NOW, as this is the only time we have. This is my life and it is my responsibility to live it fully.

I have discovered that real power lies in the choice of the chooser, not necessarily in the actions which follow. It is as powerful to respond with kindness and compassion as it is to respond with anger and aggression or passiveness. YOU CAN DO EITHER. And this is what I believe is necessary to deeply understand. When we become victims of other people’s emotions we lose ourselves. We can often feel our power being taken from us or that we have the power in the first place to MAKE another feel something or not. Our feelings are our feelings, they belong to us. I was raised to believe that I did have the power to affect someone else’s feelings, good or bad. I believe I can say and do things that are perceived as ‘more loving or ‘less loving’ but I now know I CANNOT make you feel, that is all you! 

If YOU believe yourself to be a ‘loving person’, what would a loving response be? I’ve learned that although I think I’m a loving person I don’t ALWAYS respond lovingly, but I’m getting better. Remember it usually depends on WHO is pushing those buttons. We are not robots controlled by remote control, we have a CHOICE.

However, I also believe everyone is probably doing the best they can based on the person they are and the knowledge they have available to them at the time.  Some people however are more open than others.

This next lesson is for those people who tend to ‘give’ of themselves to others either physically or emotionally.  Giving is good, let me just state that. Giving through choice is a wonderful gift for ourselves aswell as the recipient. Giving because you think you ‘should’ or through loyalty or any other guilt inducing reason is NOT helpful giving. The energy of something given in love is SO different than the energy of something given as a ‘should’ or ‘have to’. Its tainted. It’s best not to give than to give begrudgingly. So stop playing games. Give because you want to or don’t. It’s OK if you choose not to. I’ve learned that I’m not really that important in the grand scheme of things. That others will get their needs met in other places if I’m not here or available. We kid ourselves by thinking we’re indispensable, we matter, but we’re not indispensable. If you really don’t want to do something for someone, don’t. We live in a cause and effect Universe, yes there will be consequences but you will deal with them and you will survive, or you won’t. Either way I believe we give too much energy worrying about what ‘might’ happen if we put our own needs before others. 

Our fears are usually more scary than the actual reality.

As human beings I’ve learned we are mainly preoccupied with OUR OWN LIVES. Now, I have reason to believe that many people live their lives in accordance with ‘what other people think’. They could be significant others you know, like your parents, but I’ll repeat again that what I’ve learned is that most people are pre-occupied with their own lives. In other words if you decided to walk down the street completely naked on the school run, yes, you may be the talk of the neighbourhood for a few days, and yes, your children may NEVER forgive you (you could even get arrested) but it would be forgotten in most people’s memories in a relatively short time. As the saying goes ‘ Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind’. Be yourself, it will always be enough. Magical words that I haven’t truly understood nor lived until the past few years.

To live your potential. What does this mean? 

I’ve no idea what your ‘potential’ is like, you have no idea what mine is. We each hold our own answers on this one. We will all pass through this life, as us, just this once. Regardless of whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, whether you believe in an infinite soul that survives after the body dies. The truth of the matter is you will still ONLY pass this way, as you, ONCE.

Don’t get anxious by this, get excited!

 We are created as unique human beings and it is my belief we are created to explore our own uniqueness. So, with this in mind, who do you want to be and what do you want to do with your time here? When you start to really explore these questions you will find a way of making the answers physically manifest. I trust you. Do you trust yourself? You will be with yourself until the day you die, there are no guarantees that all the other human beings who are in your life today will be in it for the same duration. Learn to love yourself, to enjoy your own company, to be alone. We’re all on our own journey. Make peace with yourself. If there’s anything that needs to be forgiven, forgive. Start afresh, start today. Let today be the beginning of the rest of your life. Know that you count! That your being here on Earth, in this space and time is AS important as every other human being you come into contact with. 

Be grateful. Our responsibility starts with ourselves. When you improve the relationship you have with yourself, it will improve the relationships you have with everyone in your life ( unless you have lots of co-dependent relationships and it is possible you may need to seek professional help to recognise and break free from these types of relationships). As corny as it sounds it does start with a four letter word.....LOVE.
To love when there is no apparent reason to love has been my most difficult lesson. To continue to love when I have not liked the actions of a person has been a challenge. This is not my usual way of responding! It is through changing OUR response to whatever is coming our way which will break the cycle and the unhelpful patterns which have been passed on from generation to generation. But for this to happen you must truly SEE yourself. Awareness, awareness, awareness! You take your power back in any situation whereby you have CHOSEN how you respond. My Mum used to say ‘I don’t care who started it, just stop it!’ Now I used to think this was really unfair, especially when I believed I'd done nothing ‘wrong’. I get it now. I get it can stop with me. Pride often stops us doing the most loving thing but I’ve seen in my own life the transformative power of love to heal. You may need to send it from afar to protect yourself, you don’t need to be a ‘loving doormat’. Always remember love starts with yourself.

Accepted it is sometimes difficult to cope with negativity and toxicity when it comes in the disguise of family members. You were given these, you have not chosen them (although some thinkers believe we ALL chose our family members to help in our spiritual development). We all feel some sort of loyalty to our family, to our tribe. Let’s face it, we’re all trying to get our needs met in some sort of fashion. We look to others to meet our needs and if they can’t or choose not to, we get upset and disappointed. When we learn to let go of our attachments we can be truly content.

I used to think I knew all I needed to know to be a fully functioning adult and back then I probably did. Now I know I know pretty much nothing. I know that every single person I meet has something to teach me. I learn from everyone these days. Admittedly I sometimes learn how NOT to be but I do so more now with compassion and understanding rather than frustration. Frustration used to be a familiar companion of mine. I still get frustrated by closed mindedness and I still get angry and upset by the mistreatment of others but I’m more accepting of the way things ARE these days, not how I wished them to be, for this causes me unnecessary suffering. I will change all the things WITHIN my power which may help a situation and then, as with other things, I’ve learned to LET GO.

Ah, letting go, this brings me onto my most valuable lesson.... To let go...with love. I’m still letting go but I believe when we truly live this most valuable lesson, we are free. I’m not completely done yet but already the load feels lighter....The butterfly is preparing to leave the cocoon, I’m expecting great things and bucket loads of joy

. As a wise person once said ‘Know Thyself’ and I’d like to add........’then let go’.

From Lisa Barlow, with love x

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Defiant Beauty - Skincare with a difference!

At Bare Health we are passionate about Natural Health and are always on the lookout for exciting new product ranges that stand alone among the crowds, offering something unique and different. Innovative products or ideas that support your health, your well being, naturally. And that's why we are thrilled to be launching 'Defiant Beauty' in store and online. 

 A beautiful and very gentle skincare range designed not only for the most sensitive of skins but with a specific group of people in mind. Those with skin issues specifically related to cancer treatment. 

There are so many reports of itchy, very dry, cracked and sensitive skin, which are often unexpected and unwanted side effects that unfortunately can arise during treatment procedures. Nail damage is another common problem. 

As women, we all love to feel and look good inside and out. And as well as making decisions to fuel our bodies with healthy and nutritious food that will nourish our skin from within - we need to be equally conscious of the products that we apply to the outside of our skin and the ingredients they contain. We should all be questioning the harmful chemical ingredients found in many skincare products today, many of which are synthetically produced preservatives that only serve to irritate the skin rather than to nourish, repair and heal. Yes, the packaging may look beautiful and appealing and it may claim to make us all look 20 years younger! But really, some of these products should come with a health warning! Our skin is the body's largest organ and what we put onto it  gets directly absorbed. There are so many wonderful organic and natural skin care products available today that it seems madness to look elsewhere, products that still smell and feel great but go one step further, they help to soothe, nourish, heal and repair the skin. 

'Defiant Beauty' is one of these brands. Effective, luxurious and indulgent skincare without the nasties! But what makes 'Defiant Beauty' different from all of the other natural & organic skincare brands out there? Bare Health owner, Mel Ball speaks to company founder - Jennifer Young.

Jennifer Young and Defiant Beauty - How did it all start?

Jennifer Young has a BSc (Hons) in Biology and is an experienced Micro-biologist, is a qualified and practicing Nutritional Therapist, an associate member of the Royal Society of Medicine, a qualified Aromatherapist, Beauty Therapist and Product Formulator. She has two post-graduate qualifications in health related fields, has been accepted by the Courts as an expert witness for occupational health cases and has been active in medical research.

Jennifer created British Beauty Brand 'Defiant Beauty Skincare and Beauty Collections' as a result of a request from her local NHS hospital. Ladies who had been through treatment for cancer asked Jennifer to create a range for them. Together, with additional ladies going through treatment,they worked with her to create a skincare range addressing the specific skin issues resulting from some cancer treatments. 

The lead nurses joined the group to provide guidelines as to the ingredients that should not be included in a beauty collection for cancer patients. The patients and ex-patients provided told Jennifer of their skin conditions as well as the types of product and product values they wanted. Jennifer used her scientific background to add to ‘the rules’ and always errs on the side of caution.

With all this in mind Defiant Beauty was born.

Jennifer uses her nutritional knowledge to inform her skincare formulations.The range is specifically formulated using minimal ingredients, which are oil based and offer skin-healing properties. Vitamin E helps stabilize the product, shea butter and mango butter softens skin whilst calendula oil soothes. Other skin-nourishing oils include macadamia, jojoba and rosehip oil.

Bare Health chats to Jennifer Young:

What ingredients should people look for in skincare products, if they are going the natural route?

Cancer patients don’t need me to tell them that they have very sensitive skin. It reacts to all kinds of products that, pre-treatment, had been firm favourites. When deciding on a product to use through and post treatment, simple products with few ingredients is the key.
Ingredients like apricot kernel oil and peach kernel oil are traditionally used for sensitive skins but as anyone can react to anything, there is no guarantee that one won’t react.

Patch tests are vital when deciding upon a product, natural or otherwise. Good manufacturers will facilitate this. Some even allow patch testing of the ingredients. This allows you to identify ingredients that you are sensitive to, thus enabling you to avoid them in all products.

Tell me more about the role of oils

Our Defiant Beauty Skincare collection was created specifically for cancer patients. When formulating the products I wanted to keep them as simple as possible. The fewer ingredients, the less there is for clients to react to. As a result, the products are oil-based. There are no lotion or potions or creams, just oils and balms.

The benefits of this are many – oils are much more concentrated than creams and lotions, which are mostly water. Our products are long lasting and intensively moisturizing, all because we have removed the water.

As soon as water is removed from a product, we are able to discard many other ‘chemical’ ingredients. Even natural creams and lotions contain preservatives, emulsifiers, pH adjustors, conditioners etc. They are required as creams and lotions contain both oil and water. Oil and water don’t mix naturally and so need a helping hand. These helping hands are additional ingredients and increase the likelihood of a sensitive-skinned person reacting to the beauty product.

Defiant Beauty Itchy Skin Oil is one of our most popular products. Cancer patients often suffer itchy skin as a result of their treatment. Our Itchy Skin Oil (named by the patients and survivors that asked me to create the range) contains oils such as Calendula and St John’s Wort. They are known for their healing and soothing properties. Clinical trials have shown Calendula oil to be an effective treatment for radiation damaged skin1

Any techniques for treating rough, dry feet and hands?

The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands are particularly vulnerable to treatment related side-effects. The skin can be lost from both areas, or become very dry and sore.
I was often asked to create a product for hands and feet so I did and they have been our fastest selling products.
I recommend covering the hands and feet in a thick layer of Our hand or foot  balm and the encasing the hands in cotton gloves and cotton socks for the feet. It might not be stylish but it has been shown to improve skin condition 2,3

And What about Nails?
Most cancer patients in the UK are prepared for hair loss and nausea, the changes in skin condition come as a surprise, but not as much as a surprise as the damage suffered by nails – toenails and finger nails.
Our neighbours in the US are better at managing these side-effects and that cooling gloves and slippers are commonly used in the US. They are practically unheard of in the UK! They can only be used with the consent of the medical team as they are not appropriate for use during the treatment of all cancers.

In any case, with or without cooling gloves and slippers, nail care can help to maintain the condition of nails. We recommend using a natural nail oil 4 at least twice a day from the start of chemotherapy.

Any observations about skincare and cancer in general.

Skincare and ‘Beauty’ is very important to most women at all times of their lives. For many it has increasing importance when they are diagnosed. Ironically, it is often denied at this time as their skin becomes sensitive and reactive. There are many steps that can be taken to help one to survive beautifully.

Jennifer’s expert comments are often seen in National Newspapers and magazines and Jennifer’s work has been featured in titles including, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Express, The Telegraph, Best Magazine, My Healthy Living, Women’s Weekly, The Health Store Magazine and Predictions.

'Defiant Beauty' is now available in store & online at Bare Health. 

1) Pommier Gomez F, Sunyach MP, D'Hombres A, Carrie C, Montbarbon XJ Phase III randomized trial of Calendula officinalis compared with trolamine for the prevention of acute dermatitis during irradiation for breast cancerClin Oncol.2004 Apr 15;22(8):1447-53.

2      2) Cancer Care, Inc, 2008. Caring for Your Skin During Cancer Treatment. [Online] Available at <> [Accessed 24 August 2012].

Cancer Care, Inc, 2008. Caring for Your Skin During Cancer 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Manuka Honey - It's the bees knees!

Manuka Honey – Its the bee’s knees, but be aware of quality & labelling!

Honey is an age old remedy for the treatment of infected wounds and in recent years ‘rediscovered’ by the medical profession where conventional modern therapeutics have failed. One particular honey that has gained a great deal of attention in recent years, not only by the medical profession but consumers alike, is Manuka Honey. For evidence of its growing popularity you only need to look at recent sales figures – The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA) in New Zealand state that in the UK alone 1,800 tonnes per year are now sold. So what is it about this honey that makes it so unique?
 Manuka honey is one nature's special gifts. Sourced from some of New Zealand’s most pure and remote locations it is renowned for its unique flavour and special activity; Manuka Honey is valued by many for its contribution to a healthy diet and recognised worldwide for its unique properties not found in ordinary honey. In early summer the bees forage in the delicate Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) flowers. It’s a busy start to the honey season for the beekeepers.
Traditionally used by the indigenous Maori population as a medicine, it wasn’t until the early 1990’s that researchers at Waikato University discovered during tests that the honey boasted unique anti bacterial properties that may be beneficial to human health.

According to Mandal et al (2011) the leptospermum scoparium (manuka) honey has been reported to have an inhibitory effect on around 60 species of bacteria, including aerobes and anaerobes. More specifically, it has been reported to exhibit antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and Helicobacter pylori making this a promising functional food for the treatment of wounds or stomach ulcers. It is also well documented for its ability to promote wound healing and as a potent anti inflammatory agent. A recent study in 2012 by Hammond & Donker also found that Manuka honey exhibits a bactericidal action against Clostridium. difficile This organism is associated with severe infections including diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, perforation of the colon, and in some cases, sepsis

The antibacterial properties of honey can be mainly attributed to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and its level of concentration, which determines the level of antibacterial activity, however there are other significant factors which also play important roles such as acidity (low pH), high osmolarity and also the presence of a number of ‘non peroxide’ components like the phytochemical Methylglyoxal (MGO). Most conventional honeys will contain hydrogen peroxide but in some cases this can be destroyed by heat, body fluids or by an enzyme known as catalase and antibacterial activity will often vary. The levels of anti bacterial activity may also deteriorate over time. It was Professor Peter Molan of Waikato University who identified that honey from certain strains of the Manuka Bush contained extraordinary and powerful ‘non peroxide’ anti bacterial properties that were light and heat stable and remained unaffected in the presence of catalase. These properties are ‘unique’ to Manuka Honey and are what sets it aside from other honeys on the market today.

Fake Manuka

Currently within the UK and worldwide, there is much debate and confusion surrounding Manuka honey in regards to authenticity, quality, potency, pricing and labelling claims. Recent independent testing on a batch of Manuka Honey brands on sale in the UK have shown discrepancies between lab tests and what is shown on the label with certain brands products falling short of label claims. However, this may be about to change as the Ministry for Primary Industry in New Zealand is about to reveal findings of a review body that has been working on establishing a long term solution to companies selling fraudulent Manuka through the creation of series of labelling guidelines. Tighter regulation will hopefully bring a degree of clarity & standardisation for consumers & retailers.

Since many customers buy and consume Manuka honey for its efficacy, the best way to get true levels of Manuka’s key benefit is to buy products displaying a UMF® rating. UMF® products are frequently independently tested by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA), regulators, competitors and the media to verify their quality and activity levels. For over three years UMF® products tested worldwide have always been shown to exceed their stated UMF® levels.  NPA is another Manuka rating acronym. Products displaying NPA should contain the same quantity of UMF® as a UMF® product of the same number e.g. NPA 5+ should equate to UMF® 5+ in terms of the UMF® activity. The difference between the two is NPA is unregulated and doesn’t include the quality checks UMF® has. Most Manuka honey products use a numbering system, often ending with a “+” e.g. 5+, 10+ and 15+. Higher numbers denote higher strength products, but these are rarer and in great demand despite the higher pricing.

Are you buying the real thing?

The best indicator of genuine Manuka honey is the UMF® mark. It is the most credible verification of the quality and efficacy of Manuka honey. Secondly, choose a brand you trust, with a long history of its UMF® levels publicly confirmed by scientific testing.
More changes in labelling legislation are on their way, but until then, be conscious of the varying qualities of Manuka out there, ask questions - be a savvy manuka buyer!

COMPETITION TIME - You could win this fantastic prize from Comvita (worth £38) by simply answering the question below:

What does the abbreviation UMF® stand for?
Please send all answers to by September 30th.

For more information please call Bare Health on 01260 408413

The information in this article is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or any other medical professional. Always seek the advice of your GP if taking prescribed medication or undergoing any form of treatment.