Bare Health

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Mind the Gap

How would you rate your state of wellbeing right now?  Talking to a friend recently she said she had never known what it was like to be so happy that she wanted to dance or shout it to the rooftops.  At the weekend I was blessed to attend a Mindfulness workshop with the wonderful Lucinda Drayton who appeared to exude joy for life.  By the end of the day I along with the rest of the workshop participants was letting myself go in song and dance. I feel grateful for my general level of wellbeing and I feel particularly optimistic for the coming year.  Yet I am all too aware that January can be a challenging time of year for many of us.  Only last week the national press was telling us that the third Monday after the New Year is the most depressing day of the year.  It can be for lots of reasons - the good intentions of NewYear resolutions already failed; struggling with debt; recovering from the latest cough or cold or the dark winters days.

Sound familiar or are you ready to shout about your happiness?  Our mental health can be a fragile commodity.  I took my car in for an MOT last week to test it's road worthiness.  I have heard of the
possibility of a body MOT with my GP too.  But when do we ever check over the state of our mental health and wellbeing?

The good news is that an holistic therapist who treats the mind, body, emotions and soul as all one will enable you to review your mental health while at the same time treating physical ailments.  As a Homeopath it is an essential part of how I work and also live my life.  So if I suffer an acute winter bug I ask myself what stresses am I not addressing that have made me susceptible to picking up an illness.  Then should a cough linger - what do I need to get off my chest on an emotional level and I am blocking?  Or if my sinuses remain congested who or what is getting up my nose and needs to be addressed?

I find it essential to ask these literal questions of clients who come to see me.  It can offer them an insight into their behaviour and an opportunity to reflect if they can do things differently in any given situation.  More than anything my aim is to enable others to build awareness of their health on every level.  This can then bring you more in tune when one or more levels is out of balance and needs attention.

Sometimes I need to go and see my own Homeopath to enable me to objectively reflect and gain insight.  At other times with awareness of my mental state I can find an acute remedy to put me back on track.  Acute homeopathic remedies and Bach Flower Essences can be bought over the counter at Bare Health and are accessible to all.  I love to equip my clients with knowledge and understanding to choose remedies for themselves in acute situations.

If that is something that you too would like to be able to do more often and with greater confidence then join me for a fascinating workshop on 22nd February at Bare Health.   The half day will equip you to:

  • Understand the principles for selecting remedies/flower essences
  • Explore dosage in acute conditions
  • Differentiate when to us a homeopathic remedy or a flower essence
  • Learn about putting a homeopathic first aid kit together for home use.
The event is great value at only £25 with a £5 saving for places booked by 7th February 2014.  If you are aware in a gap between your health and wellbeing then taking an holistic approach with homeopathy can make all the difference.  I would love the opportunity to enable you to find out how.

For more information contact Jane Bowdenleigh, experienced Homeopath based at Bare Health in Congleton town centre,  -
or call in at Bare Health to book a place - 34 High St, Congleton, CW12 1BD.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

New Year, New You? Our top product recommendations to kick start a Healthy New Year!

We thought we'd put together our top products that will support your New Year Health regimes and detox plans. Products that are tried and tested by the team here at Bare Health. There are some great offers to be had too :)

1) Amazing Grass Green Superfood & Raw Reserve - save 25%

Get your daily dose of nutritious whole greens with Amazing Grass Green SuperFoods. Every serving is chock full of all of the necessary vitamins and minerals you and your family need. Plus it tastes great! Add these superfoods to any beverage for an energizing start to your day. The Chocolate green superfood tastes great mixed with Coconut Milk - a super healthy milkshake :)

Raw Reserve has over 25 billion probiotics per serving, and is the ultimate combination of whole organic SuperFoods.


2) SunChlorella

Chlorella is a fresh water single-cell green algae, a natural whole food that contains a spectrum of nutrients perfectly designed by nature. Those nutrients include Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Folic Acid.

3)Solgar Wild Alaskan Fish Oils - Buy one get one free whilst stocks last

Wild Alaskan Full Spectrum™ Omega Softgels, a premium blend of sockeye salmon oil, Vitamin D3 and astaxanthin tested for optimum purity and potency.

4)Udos Choice Oil

Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is a blend of organic, unrefined nutritional oils free of the constituents found in processed oils.  Its unique formulation provides an excellent source of the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 and the fatty acid Omega 9. 

5) Sun Warrior Protein 

The next generation in raw, plant-based protein is here, breaking through the constraints of other protein powders. Warrior Blend is an easily digestible, nutrient filled superfood perfect for anyone who wants to amplify their health and fitness levels. Best of all, it tastes phenomenal. Contains all essential amino acids in a complete, balanced profile One of the best protein powders for any lifestyle, not just vegan or vegetarian Free of solvents, GMOs, radiation, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, or artificial colors Contains no animal products, dairy, egg, gluten, soy, added sugar, wheat, or yeast

6) Digestisan - RRP £9.15 special offer £2.99

Digestisan is a licensed herbal remedy for the relief of indigestion, feelings of fullness and flatulence. It contains extracts of freshly harvested Cynara (Artichoke), Dandelion, Peppermint and dried Boldo leaves.

7) Solgar Comfort Zone

Solgar® Comfort Zone is an advanced digestive complex that helps to encourage more efficient and thorough digestion … so you can feel better about the foods you eat and worry less about having the foods you enjoy. With 11 naturally derived enzymes, Solgar® Comfort Zone helps to support the body’s natural digestive process … so you can turn what you eat … into what you need.

8) Solgar Thermogenic Complex

Thermogenesis has long been recognised as a key factor for regulating metabolism and supporting optimal body composition. Numerous studies have demonstrated the thermogenic action of several of natures botanicals and nutrients. Solgar has combined 8 key ingredients to provide this comprehensive formula.

9)Vogel Milk Thistle Complex

A.Vogel’s Milk Thistle Complex was amongst the very first herbal products formulated by Alfred Vogel, one of Switzerland’s best known naturopaths.

The seeds of Milk Thistle are combined with four other important herbs used in healthcare for centuries – fresh extracts of Dandelion, Artichoke, Peppermint and dried Boldo leaves.

10) Terra Nova Liver Support

Dandelion, Artichoke & Cysteine Complex (formerly liver support) contains herbs and nutrients that work on both phases of the liver detoxification cycle helping to cleanse and purify the blood of toxins and heavy metals as it passes through the liver.
The individual MagniFood base:

  • Enhances the bio-availability, utilisation and function of the product's ingredients
  • Provides synergisitic enzymes and co-factors that support the product's micronutrient content
  • Increasing product's overall nutritional activity
  • Protecting the other ingredients from oxidative damage
  • Supporting the product's functions/applications

New Year, New You! Time for a good old clear out - Bare Health Style!

By Mel Ball

So you've celebrated Christmas in style (well, who wouldn't?), totally over indulged on wine, chocolates and turkey dinners and now hit the New Year like a Head On car crash! For most, I guess, its been like hitting a brick wall - your'e feeling sluggish & lethargic, dare I say 'toxic', finding it difficult to get back into the routine of work and school runs and maybe even a little run down and depressed, maybe even ill or recovering from illness. Wouldn't it be nice to just to pull the covers back up over your head on these dark winter mornings and mutter "wake me up when Spring is here" and simply hibernate?

Its a natural instinct to want to rest at this time of year and conserve our energy. However, with today's fast pace of living we often go against the grain, working hard and playing hard and although the latter can be a lot of fun, both can leave us feeling 'burnt' out leading to lowered immune systems and ill health.

So how can we lighten our toxic load and create the space inside & out to bring about a new cleansed & energised start to the New Year?

Many people at this time of year choose to 'detox' the body of unwanted toxins or go on a 'diet' opting for the latest detox craze or latest celebrity diet plan. Did you know that entering the word detox into google brings up 19,500,000 results? New Year is truly the time where the 'detox' market well and truly hits its peak. It has certainly become big business. People are attracted to the pull of quick fix weight loss plans and short 3 day detox programs promising instant results. In my humble opinion, yo yo dieting is never the best way forward in terms of maintaining health, your self esteem and achieving long lasting results. Making changes to lifestyle and diet takes a lot of individual effort. It takes approximately 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and about 6 months for it to become part of your personality.

What ever your goals or chosen approach, make sure to make it realistic and achievable, manageable, safe and ultimately brings about the health benefits you desire. Fasting or intensive detox diets should always be sguided by a qualified nutritionalist or naturopath.

For me, personally, I think the use of the word 'detox' at this time of year is better applied to a 'Lifestyle Cleanse' - its not just about ridding the body of unwanted toxins from the body, its about clearing out the old to make space for the new on many levels, as a good friend of mine often says, its about 'letting go of all that no longer serves you purpose'.

In terms of nutrition and diet it could be clearing out the acidic junk food, processed food, alcohol & caffeine and making space in your body for it to cleanse, replenish & renew with healing, nutritious and alkalising foods following the additional burden placed upon it over the festive season. It's giving you and your organs a chance to breathe and settle down. Our bodies are truly remarkable and designed to deal with toxins effectively via our inbuilt routes of elimination, however, sometimes we consistently overburden them and so need to lend a helping hand - nurturing and looking after our health as best we can. Some of the tell tale signs that our body is in need of a cleanse? Feeling sluggish & lethargic, poor skin, puffy dark eyes, constipation, irregular sleep patterns, low energy levels, joint pain, poor digestion to name but a few. Looking at your dietary habits, reassessing what you eat and implementing a healthy eating plan is always a good starting point and can bring about some great changes to health, help any weight loss goals, leave you with glowing skin, improved digestion and re energise you for the year ahead.

Its not just our diets though that are in need of a overhaul at this time of year. Engaging in Physical Activity can also help cleanse the body too. Increasing our exercise levels can help shift those extra pounds and any excess toxins, increase metabolism and also, through the release of  feel good 'endorphins', aid our emotional & mental well being. There are so many forms of exercise that you can enjoy, whether its joining a local gym, starting a new exercise class, swimming, Yoga, running or even taking regular walks outdoors and filling your lungs with fresh air. These days there's something available for everyone and it doesn't necessarily have to cost a thing. Start slowly too, give yourself the chance to adapt and progress. Results certainly don't happen overnight, no matter how much you'd like them to but with time & effort they do come about. And when they do? Celebrate them!

Even with the best of intentions, often our state of mind & post Christmas blues can greatly hinder our new year plans.Winter, although a season of festivitiy & celebration, can also, with its shorter days and dark mornings, be a time when we can too often find ourselves mentally & emotionally drained. And the motivation needed to kick start our New Year Health & Fitness plans is at an all time low.Whatever the reason, life at times can bring about great challenges that we have to face as well as managing our day to day stresses. Many of you will be able to deal with such challenges well and adapt quickly, throwing yourselves into your new healthy living program and achieving all the goals you set, however, some of you may not and find that you need extra support in moving forward. Maybe finding and putting in place some coping strategies, or even finding somebody qualified to talk to who can help you work through any difficult situation that you may be facing could be a great help and a huge step in the right direction. Recognising, releasing & clearing away any old emotional blocks, and turning negative thoughts into positive ones, although very difficult and challenging, can be very rewarding and life changing. Our physical health is directly affected by our mental and emotional well being and vice versa and so we should never neglect one area in favour of the other. I have always believed that when making any lifestyle and health changes we need to address the whole to obtain the best results. It just takes your desire and your choice to implement those changes.

When it comes down to it its about finding your own 'Healthy Life Balance'. Diet, exercise, mind & emotions, rest & relaxation, relationships,our home & working environment all interact and affect each other, in positive and negative ways. An imbalance in one area can potentially affect the others. This is why I believe it is important to take a Holistic approach to health with a focus on maintaining a balance in these areas in order to bring about the greatest improvements to health and well being.

Change doesn't happen overnight - It's about making small ripples that lead to big waves in this ocean we call life. Its not a race, take your time and set obtainable goals. The New Year is an opportunity, a new start. An opportunity to take the reigns and make some changes, try something new and make a difference. Do it not for others, do it for YOU! And most importantly ENJOY IT :)

Happy New Year, may you achieve all that you desire!



  • Cut out processed foods, sugar and junk foods, hydrogenated saturated fats, red meat, alcohol, caffeinated beverages, fizzy drinks
  • Include lots of vegetables, especially your greens. Get variety and colour packed onto your plate to obtain a good intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Buy organic where possible
  • Eat plenty of fish, especially oily fish containing lots of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
  • Get protein from quality sources that is easy to digest - Hemp protein, or green protein blends are great to add to smoothies and are a good source of nutrients.
  • Eat smaller sized meals more often than going for hours between meals to maintain blood sugar levels
  • Introduce Whole grains - Short grain brown rice, Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa), millet, buckwheat - these are full of important nutrients.
  • Avoid cooking with oils such as olive oil and other oils that become unstable at high temperatures. Organic Coconut Oil is a great alternative for cooking with and there are many health benefits to be obtained from regular intake. Use Olive Oil, Flaxseed oil, Hempseed Oil or Udos Choice Oil for your dressings, stirred into smoothies or stir into food that has already been heated e.g homemade soups.
  • Include healthy snacks - a handful of nuts, seeds and dried fruits, chopped carrots, celery, cucumber & houmous, Nut Butters on oatcakes or with celery, fruit - especially berries, natural unsweetened yogurt, healthy snack bars e.g bounce balls, raw brownies, Raw cacoa chocolate - IQ chocolate is fantastic and actually good for you!
  • Keep hydrated - drink plenty of water, try to aim for at least 4pts a day, swap tea and coffee for herb & fruit teas.
  • Fruit & Vegetable juices - the healthiest way? Juice your own. The only fruit to mix in a vegetable juice is apple. Don't forget that some fruits are acidic and still high in natural sugars - so dont go overboard on these.
  • Get a healthy start to your day - always have breakfast. Porridge oats are ideal for stabilising blood sugar or try a raw food muesli such as Primroses Kitchen (a personal favourite of mine). Avoid breakfast cereals laden with sugar and salt.
  • Include linseeds or Chia seeds
  • Always CHEW your food thoroughly to ensure that proper digestion takes place and your food is properly broken down. 
Bare Health Recommends: Honestly Healthy - Eat with your body in mind, the alkaline way
                                         Natasha Corrett & Vicki Edgson


Supplement recommendations are unique to each individual and their level of health. They should be used to support a balanced diet, which these days is often difficult to get. Its always a good idea to pop into your local health store to seek advice and information and follow a supplement regime tailored to your specific needs. However at this time of year and when detoxing/cleansing the following can be taken to support digestion, liver & kidney function, and overall health.

  • DIGESTION - A good quality probiotic supplement to ensure you are getting a sufficient intake of friendly bacteria. Digestive Enzymes - for those who have digestive problems such as indigestion & heartburn, a digestive supplement with each meal can often help. Herbs such as centurium and yarrow have been traditionally used to aid digestion and help abdominal bloating and discomfort.
  • BOWELS - Keeping your bowels moving is absolutely vital and should be the most important part of a detox! The types of food we eat, medication we take can influence our bowel habits and its always important to ensure they function well. These are one of our main exit routes for the body to expel its waste. Bowel health should never be overlooked. Make sure your taking in enough water too. Fibre plus is a fantastic product for helping to cleanse the bowel, it's also great for soothing any irritation in the bowel too.
  • IMMUNITY - If your immune system needs that extra support then Vitamin D is essential, especially at times when we are unable to spend time outdoors converting natural sunlight to Vitamin D. Supplements containing Beta glucans are also great for immune support as is Echinacea and olive leaf, herbs traditionally used to modulate immunity and fight off infection.
  • ALKALISING GREEN FOOD POWDERS - by adding a daily serving of a green food containing high levels of chlorophyll to your diet you will be obtaining a potent source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and enzymes that will aid energy levels, support immunity, help detox and cleanse, support intestinal health and improve hair,skin & nails. Wheatgrass, Chlorella, & spirulina are all great examples and they can be bought on their own or combined in a green food blend.


Get a regular exercise routine - something that will get the heart and circulation pumping, help burn off those extra calories and tone your muscles. Make sure that its something you enjoy. It could be dancing, walking in the outdoors, swimming, running, Yoga or even walking the dog more regularly. You don't have to join the gym - Just get moving more :)


Take time out to reduce your stress levels where possible as high levels of stress can be detrimental to health. Join a local meditation, relaxation group or a yoga class. Placing your focus solely on controlling your breath can help keep the outside world at arms length and allow you to achieve stillness and a deep sense of relaxation. Seek help with any problems you feel need addressing, sometimes talking to a qualified stranger can be a great opportunity to let things out and talk openly in an environment you feel comfortable. Identifying and learning coping strategies to get things resolved can often move things forward.


So you burnt the candle both ends over christmas? A good nights sleep is vital to keep us functioning at our best on a daily basis. From a chinese perspective, the body cleanses best between midnight to 2am. When you rest at night your body is busy doing its repair work inside. It recharges the batteries and cleanses the system.Try to get at least 8 hrs sleep a night. If you have problems sleeping then there are natural remedies you can take to try and settle you back into your natural sleep cycle. Also ensure that you are taking time out for you doing things you enjoy, whether that is alone or with family and friends. Everybody needs time to switch off - go on, plan that holiday, get that massage, you deserve it!

And should you want to make some changes but find yourself in need of a little extra help, then the team at Bare Health are happy to support you along the way. We have a team of experienced, professional Therapists & in store advisors who can help you find your healthy balance of mind, body & soul. 

For more information call Bare Health on 01260 408413 or email
Alternatively you can browse our website & online store

Monday, 13 January 2014

New Year Encouragement

New Year Encouragement

By Sarah Rhodes 

Well, here we are, a couple of weeks in to a new year and I’m willing to bet that many of you made  resolutions to eat more healthily, lose weight, get fitter, stop smoking .....The list is endless! So, how are you getting on? Are you still motivated? Or have you changed, modified or even given up already?
Wherever you are in your New Year achievements, here are some tips to help things along...

Revisit your original resolution    
          Is it phrased positively?
Instead of ‘losing’ weight, how about becoming slimmer; instead of ‘stopping‘ smoking how about becoming a non-smoker. Small changes in language can have a significant effect on your motivation.  Instead of focusing on what you’re missing out on, it re-focuses on what you are going to achieve.

Is your resolution SMART?
Specific Make your goal specific rather than too general. This means the goal is clear and unambiguous;  ‘I want to fit in to a size X’ is specific, whereas ‘I want to be slimmer’ is general. You could slim down by only 1 or 2 pounds and technically you have achieved the general ‘I want to be slimmer’ which is fine if that is all you wanted but most people with a weight goal want to slim down by considerably more than that!
Measurable It is important to have an indicator of progress towards your goal.  It’s very easy to forget where you started and therefore how much you have achieved if you don’t have some sort of measure. Record where your starting point is, for example, how long does it take you to run/walk a mile, then regularly measure your progress.  Depending on your goal you may want weekly/fortnightly or maybe monthly measures to check your progress. This can help enormously with motivation as you see small steps to your goal so you know you are heading in the right direction! 
Achievable Goals, whilst challenging, must be achievable. If you set a goal to lose 2stone in a week  it is unlikely, not to mention very unhealthy, that you will achieve that. You can still have an overall goal of 2 stone but set mini goals of 1-2 lb a week. This is not only achievable but also a very healthy and sustainable way to slim down.
Realistic/Relevant Your goal must be realistic. Similar to achievable, there is no point in setting a goal to be a premiership footballer if you are already 40yrs old and have never played professionally! It isn’t realistically going to happen. So have a look at your resolution, is it actually possible? Another unrealistic example would be resolving to never eat chocolate again even though it’s your favourite food this could be difficult to stick to. Instead you could opt for something more realistic, such as only having one small bar a week.

Goals should also be relevant to you. Why is this goal important to you? What will it give you?  If you can’t think of an answer to those questions you are unlikely to stick at it as what’s the point?!
Time-bound It is good to have a target date for achieving your goal. A commitment to a deadline helps you to focus your efforts. You could link it to an event to help your motivation.  A friend’s wedding or a holiday are good motivators to slim down and tone up. Training for a 5k charity run in 9 months time is a good target too. Again make sure the timescales you’re aiming for are realistic and achievable. It can also help to set small, short term goals, what can I achieve in a week? What can I achieve in a month? What can I achieve in 6 months? And celebrate each milestone with an appropriate reward, there is no point in rewarding yourself with a big cream cake if you’ve met your monthly weight loss target, why not treat yourself to a massage instead. 

Stay Positive and Be Your Own Best Supporter
If you have a lapse it doesn’t mean you’ve failed, focus on what you have achieved so far, the chances are you aren’t back at square one so pick yourself up and carry on. Notice the successes, however small.  Encourage yourself and do your best each day.

Get Plenty of Sleep
If you are sleep deprived, your resolve will not be as strong and you won’t have as much energy to stay motivated
Enjoy It!
Make it fun, do it with a friend, give yourself things to look forward to every step of the way. 
Stick With It!
It takes approximately 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and about 6 months for it to become part of your personality.

Remember a resolution can be made at any time of year so if you feel you have lost momentum, just start again!

If you feel you need some extra support, I can help you.  My name is Sarah Rhodes and I am a Hypnotherapist based at Bare Health in Congleton.  I work with both Hypnotherapy and NLP to promote wellbeing and personal development using positive messages and experiences.  My goal is to empower you so that you may access, and draw on, your own resourcefulness to enable you to achieve your goal and be the best you can be.

Appointments are available at Bare Health on 01260 408 413
or contact me directly on 07881 816 439 or email

For further information please
Visit my website  , find me on Facebook - ‘The Appleton Practice’  Or follow me on Twitter @appletonprac.
Sarah Rhodes
Personal Exploration & Self Development