Bare Health

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Garlic - Nature's Defender against Infection & Superbugs

Did you think that Garlic could only be used to ward off vampires?? Then think again.

Allium Sativum commonly known as garlic has a history of human use of over 7000 years dating back as far as the ancient Egyptians – bulbs of garlic was even found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, placed there to protect him against evil spirits in the afterlife. But these days we are more familiar for its culinary and medicinal purposes.

There is a wealth of research available demonstrating the various benefits that Garlic can have on health. From helping reduce cholesterol and blood pressure to supporting Immune Health. However, were you aware that an extract taken from garlic known as Allicin (a sulphur compound produced by the crushing or chewing of garlic) has been hailed as nature’s natural antibiotic, having a broad spectrum anti bacterial activity? With evidence highlighting its extraordinary potential to kill some of the deadly strains of bacteria such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) where conventional antibiotics have previously failed.

Allicin is the compound that is produced from the interaction of two other garlic compounds Alliin and Allinase, under normal circumstances it is a very unstable molecule that quickly breaks down into other sulphur compounds. However, a research company called Allicin International has developed and patented a method of capturing and stabilising Allicin from fresh garlic, which is then dried to form a powder and encapsulated. This exciting innovation called AllicinMax has now been shown to combat superbugs such as MRSA, which over recent years has been the cause of numerous deaths in hospitals.


The stabilising process ensures the active ingredient can be converted and distributed in the body to where it is most needed. AllicinMax is the only product available that is known to contain Allicin in its stabilised form.

Research carried out by Dr. Ron Cutler of Queen Mary University, London, supports the claim that Allicin can in fact combat MRSA and other secondary infections which can be contracted whilst in hospital. Using samples of the MRSA bacteria in his laboratories, Dr. Cutler and his team successfully used allicin to eradicate any trace of the infection.

The researchers at Allicin International have also shown AllicinMax to be a powerful weapon against E-Coli, Salmonella, Helicobacter Pylori and many other bacterial infections.

In addition it has many anti fungal and anti viral applications. It is particularly beneficial during the winter months as a preventative – research confirming a 60% reduction in the likelihood of developing a cold and should you be unlucky and fall prey to colds & flu, then it has also been shown to reduce symptom duration and reduce the chances of re-infection.

AllicinMax can be taken orally in capsules and also applied topically as a cream or gel.

It is available to buy at Bare Health, your local Independent Health Store & Holistic Treatment Centre.


 For more information please call Bare Health on 01260 408413

Always seek the advice of your GP or Healthcare professional if taking existing medication or have a prescribed medical condition.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

COMING SOON to Bare Health 

Metabolic Assessments with Pete Byworth 

Do you have problems maintaining a healthy bodyweight? Are you a keen Sportsperson who would like to improve your Sports Performance?

If so our new Metabolic Assesment Clinic at Bare Health may just be the thing you need!

Why take a metabolic assessment?

Guessing is not an intelligent choice if there is a better alternative available. Trial and error is not a sensible strategy if time is of the essence.

How many calories a day do I need? Remember, even if the quality of your nutrition is excellent, if the quantity represents more than you require, you will gain weight (and the surplus will be stored by the body as fat).
How many calories of fat am I burning at different heart rates? Where is my lactate threshold? At what exercise intensity am I burning only carbohydrates? What is my maximum heart rate? What is my ideal race-pace? How should I be training, how hard, how often and how long?
The duration and intensity of your exercise will dictate the affect that exercise has on you – what physiological adaptations are provoked. If either of these key variables is misinformed, then the results achieved may be undesired, or at least, not what you primarily intended-not the best use of your time.
A metabolic assessment allows you to address all of these questions and more, providing you with specific solutions that are completely personal to you.

What happens in an assessment?

There are two types of assessment available, an RMR (resting metabolic rate) and an Exercise assessment (VO2max or Sub-max). The two assessments are each allocated an hour, compliment each other and most people do both as either a ninety-minute or a two-hour combined assessment.

The RMR Assessment: You will be asked to put on a soft, pliant neoprene (the same material wetsuits are made from) mask and sit quietly in a comfortable chair for about fifteen minutes. All you have to do is breath through your mouth naturally and relax. The mask has a breathing tube that is attached to a gas exchange analyzer, and that to a computer that records and analyses the measurements taken (the amount of oxygen you are using and the amount of carbon-dioxide you are exhaling).

The Exercise Assessment: The exercise assessment is typically done on a bike or a treadmill and lasts twelve to fifteen minutes. You wear the same mask you did for the RMR and it is attached in the same way. We usually use a ramped protocol, which means that progressively the exercise intensity becomes harder over time, either until you can no longer continue at that intensity in the case of a maximal assessment, or, until the point where you stop burning any fat (anaerobic threshold) for a sub-maximal assessment. After this point is reached, you will be able to gently cool down and stretch.

What information is gained from an assessment?

The RMR assessment measures the daily calorific requirement for the maintenance of your present weight. From here targets can be agreed depending on your goals. It also establishes your metabolic type-whether you are predominantly a FAT burner at rest or a CARBOHYDRATE burner, the implications of which will be discussed in the consultation.
The Exercise Assessment provides a complete metabolic profile of your bodies varying responses across a range of intensities. It maps heart rate, oxygen uptake, carbohydrate usage, fat usage, total calories used, lung function, lactate build up and recovery rate (among other things). It provides the recognized Gold Standard evaluation of aerobic and cardiovascular fitness.

What do I get after the assessment?

At the end of the practical part of the assessment we will analyse and interpret the results in the context of your own goals, aims and objectives, be they quite generic in nature (successful weight management, reduction in body fat and a good level of fitness) or be they very targeted and specific (how best to preparation for a marathon/triathlon, establish race pace for the E’tape or how to go sub-12, 11, 10 hours at an Iron man etc).

You will have chance to ask any questions you want, talk about diet, training, rest, training schedules or perhaps things you have suspected or been told and always wondered about and have wanted to corroborate. Where relevant (RMR), we will articulate specific calorific guidelines in order that you meet your weight management goals. We will talk through specific training prescriptions and strategies based upon your results, the time you have available and your primary aims.

You will be given bespoke training zones, your lactate threshold and tolerances, anaerobic threshold, lung capacity, highest heart rates, VO2max/sub-max, total calories used at all intensities, fat calories versus carbohydrate calories at all intensities and a number of additional measurements.

As well as all of the above, we can send you the full assessment data along with a detailed report covering everything discussed during the assessment and presented in an easy to digest format. Included in the price, we also offer you post assessment support via email in order to assist with any questions or queries you may have further down the line as you start to implement the reports suggestions and findings.

You can read one client’s blog post and see a short video clip of his test here:

You can also read a great article by Mat Brett (Ex Editor of 220 triathlon magazine)

For a limited period we are thrilled to be able to offer great introductory discounts for these tests at Bare Health:

1) RMR £45.00 (RRP £80.00)

2) Exercise testing £75.00 (RRP £150.00)

For more details on this service please contact Bare Health on 01260 408413 or email

Why wait? Be the best you can be, today!