Bare Health

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

My favourite products for supporting my health and well being - Lisa Barlow,Personal Development Coach

I am interested in all things related to 'health and well being 'and although my main passion is emotional health I love the range of natural, quality products on offer at Bare Health that help to keep me in tip top condition. There are many supplements for specific ailments and health conditions but the following list are the ones which I feel support my overall well being:

1) Sun Chlorella A
Sun Chlorella "A" is a high quality and balanced nutritional supplement, rich in various nutrients. Sun Chlorella "A" contains many nutrients found in green vegetables such as essential amino acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll and carotene that are essential to a healthy body. Remarkably, Sun Chlorella "A" contains 60% protein by weight.  I use this as part of my supplementation programme to help maintain energy levels and promote good digestive health.

2) CherryActive - Available in concentrate or capsule
I love the taste of cherries so I choose CherryActive concentrate but the capsules are good for taking on my holidays. The main benefit of CherryActive is that it is especially high in antioxidants. So what?

  • Antioxidants protect the body from damaging ‘free radicals’ produced during activity and free radicals are linked to ageing skin, cancers, heart disease and arthritis.

  • As I am a keen runner I probably have lots of free radicals floating about so increasing my antioxidant intake to 'mop them up' is extremely useful for my body.  Running can also be quite tough on the joints so luckily for me Montmorency cherries are a rich source of anthocyanins which possess natural, anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to reduce exercise-induced soreness and promote rapid recovery meaning that I can train more regularly without having so much muscle fatigue.

    Cherry Active has other benefits too.   Current research shows taking CherryActive Concentrate daily improves quality and quantity of sleep.  It is made from Montmorency cherries, which are high in naturally-occurring melatonin. Melatonin is produced by the brain to regulate healthy sleep cycles. Bonus!

    3) Better You Vitamin D and B12 spray
    I use vitamin D spray particularly in the winter months as I can suffer more with mood swings when there is a lack of sunlight. As we are getting less natural exposure to sunshine it is unlikely we can get enough Vitamin D for our physiological needs (food sources being oily fish and eggs).

    B12 boost contains vitamin B12, chromium and green tea extract, all associated with energy production and body metabolism, providing an effective source of natural energy in the form of a daily oral spray. By obtaining B12 under the tongue, the vitamin is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, avoiding the digestive system which can destroy essential nutrients with strong enzymes and acids. In fact, B12 is so difficult to absorb that only one per cent of intake from food is actually retained. As I also suffer with digestive problems the spray is an ideal alternative to tablet form.

    Vitamin B12 is specifically known for its role in producing healthy amounts of red blood cells which are necessary for the proper delivery of the required oxygen to the body's cells and tissues. This is excellent for anyone going through stressful periods at work, home or those with an intensive exercise programme. Research has also found that B vitamins are linked to cognitive health and memory, and in particular maintaining the body’s energy levels.

    4) BioStrath
    Bio-Strath provides a convenient, effective way to strengthen resistance to colds, flu and illness, to speed up recovery after illness or debilitating disease, and to help regain and sustain good health. It can be taken regularly as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The weaker your immune system, the more noticeable Bio-Strath’s benefits. It is designed to optimise immune function and promote mental and physical well being.

    Made in Switzerland from a special, highly concentrated extract of herbal yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bio-Strath’s uplifting formula can combat everyday tiredness and fatigue. This can be taken on a continual basis and is particularly useful in the winter months to help fend off colds and flu. However, I have found that it is also useful to support the immune system when under periods of stress.

    5) Quest MegaBiotix or Terra Nova Probiotic

    I have suffered with IBS type symptoms for many years and having stumbled on 'probiotics' I have found my symptoms to be massively reduced (alongside more effective emotional coping strategies). Probiotics help to keep the gut healthy with good bacteria.

    I am a firm believer in balance in life and although I do use supplementation to aid my performance and support my body's systems in times of additional stress I believe that a healthy diet, regular exercise and good mental/emotional health provide the foundations for our overall health. Our minds and bodies are intricately linked and so it is just as important to keep the mind healthy as it is the body. At Bare Health I help to empower individuals to take full charge of their minds and create a vessel which only contains thoughts that provide the most helpful fuel for a fulfilling, balanced life. Enjoy x
    ps. Currently I am loving the Baobab and Onion Kale Chips on sale at Bare Health which are a healthier alternative to crisps and are absolutely scrummy. Get some before they sell out!

    For more information or to purchase any of the products mentioned, just follow the links below, alternatively please feel free to call Bare Health on 01260 408413. We are always happy to help.

    Thursday, 18 July 2013

    It takes guts to be healthy!

    You can now visit our new online store just follow this link:

    It takes guts to be healthy!


    A healthy digestive system is perhaps the most important factor in promoting long-term health. If any element of this complicated system is working inefficiently there could be a negative influence on health. This could range from indigestion and bloating to poor immunity and malnutrition.

    Common problems

    Heartburn, constipation and diarrhoea are some of the most common everyday ailments suffered by many people. Bad digestion caused by not absorbing the nutrients within your food may also result in diminished immunity, poor bowel function, delayed wound healing, allergies and muscle wasting.

    Digestion is the process which breaks down foods, allowing the body to absorb and utilise nutrients; carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals.  Factors which can negatively affect digestion include stress, ageing, a poor diet, the use of antacids, antibiotics and other drugs.  Improper digestion can lead to many symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation and/or diarrhoea, IBS and food intolerance reactions.

    However, there are a number of ways to help digestion.  If, after assessing your diet and lifestyle you find digestion is still a problem it may be beneficial to use supplements as an alternative to using antacids, which can be damaging to health.  Natural products such as acidophilus, pancreatin, hydrochloric acid, bromelain and pepsin are all excellent digestive aids. Digestive aids play a specific role in the process of supporting the different stages of digestion, absorption and elimination.

    Digestive Enzymes

    When it comes to maintaining a healthy digestive system, enzymes are key. Without sufficient digestive enzymes, food will not be properly broken down and absorbed. Undigested food particles promote unfriendly bacteria, leading to flatulence, bloating and a host of other digestive conditions. Digestive enzymes help to boost the digestive process, and can be taken with foods to help with the breakdown and absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

    Botanical Options

    Nature provides an abundance of botanical compounds, which have properties that support digestive wellness. Studies have highlighted the synergistic benefits of using many of these herbs and spices. Chamomile, fennel seed, lemon balm, peppermint and yarrow have a long history of use for calming the gastrointestinal tract and relieving intestinal spasms. Research has also repeatedly confirmed these effects. Dandelion and gentian root contain various bitter principles, known to stimulate digestion and support liver health. A combination of gentle herbs such as these may help to alleviate annoying and uncomfortable symptoms of poor digestion, such as excess gas, bloating and intestinal cramping.

    Some tips for good digestion:

    -          Chew, chew and chew some more! Digestion starts in the mouth. Food has to be well broken down to be properly absorbed and there are no teeth in your stomach!

    -          Don’t drink with meals, as you’ll dilute your much-needed stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

    -          Avoid using antacids. Heartburn is often a sign of low stomach acid, which will be reduced even further with antacids. Try taking digestive enzymes with meals instead.

    For more information please call into Bare Health or phone 01260 408413. For a limited period you can pick up a free digestive 'Comfort Zone' sample pack and leaflet from Bare Health on High St, Congleton.

    The information in this article is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or Healthcare Professional. Always seek advice from your GP if taking prescribed medication.