Bare Health

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

OLIVE LEAF – extending an Olive branch to good health

The Mediterranean Diet as an approach to healthy eating has been widely recognised as a way of improving your health and quality of life. Observational studies suggest that the Mediterranean diet protects against heart disease, may prevent some types of cancer and promote longevity.

When we think about a Mediterranean diet we often associate it with olive oil. The benefits have been widely discussed in nutritional textbooks, and typing ‘Olive Oil benefits’ into any search engine will give over 20million results, proving just how popular this oil has become.

The Olive tree is one of the most cited plants in Western literature and dates back thousands of years, where it has become a symbol of peace, wisdom, glory, fertility, power & purity. Its fruit are a hugely popular edible food as is the Oil, which is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

This wonderful tree is a rich source of beneficial plant compounds such as phenolics, flavanoids, anthocyanins and tocopherols. In recent years studies have focused on the phenolic composition of olive oil. Authors published in ‘Critical reviews in food science & nutrition’ suggest that over 36 phenolic compounds have been identified in Olive Oil and some have been implicated in providing significant health benefits. Two such compounds are known to be potent antioxidants, which is important as they can prevent the DNA damage which can lead to cancer & cardiovascular disease.

However research is now indicating that the most important health benefits may not come from the oil but from the leaves of the Olive tree. Its leafy branches – a symbol of abundance glory and peace.

Olive leaves are rich in the trees phenolic compounds exhibiting antioxidant levels 30 – 40 times higher than those found in Olive Oil. Anti oxidants help keep our bodies functioning at their best – keeping the effect of harmful free radicals in check – free radicals are well known for causing damage which leads to premature ageing, cancer and many other diseases.

Plants from the Mediterranean have developed high levels of antioxidant defences to protect themselves against environmental stress. Just as these anti oxidants protect the plant they also protect us from ageing and disease. And due to the high number of antioxidants occurring in olive leaf they all work synergistically to provide far superior anti oxidant protection.


The winter season brings with it plenty of sniffles, sore throats, colds and the dreaded flu, which can certainly leave us feeling under the weather somewhat. How well we cope with infection or recover from diseases is a direct reflection of how well our immune system is functioning. Recurrent infections or illness are a clear indicator that you immunity may be low.

Olive leaf has been used for centuries in many cultures for medicinal purposes and is constantly recommended to boost the immune system, particularly for those who suffer from recurrent infections. Common conditions where olive leaf has been effective in boosting the immune system include colds & flu, ear infections, warts, cold sores, urinary tract infections, yeast issues and many more.

It is thought to work by supporting your body’s innate immunity through interaction with white blood cells known as macrophages. By improving the function of macrophages, our first line of defence is increased and our ability to repel harmful microorganisms enhanced.

In laboratories, olive leaf has been demonstrated to be effective against various viruses, bacteria and fungi, for example, E.Coli, salmonella, helicobacter pylori, herpes simplex, influenza and candida.

Alongside its benefits for Immune Health and antioxidant support, evidence is also emerging to show that olive leaf may offer significant benefits for a number of health conditions such as arthritis, high cholesterol, increased blood pressure, pain, and increased blood glucose levels. It may also offer bone protection which is particularly useful for conditions such as osteoporosis and also reduce signs of premature ageing, whilst aiding skin conditions.

Olive leaf extract is available to buy from Bare Health in liquid and tablet form. The ‘fresh’ extract is considered to be the most effective and beneficial.

Caution should be taken if you are already taking prescribed medication as Olive leaf may enhance the effects of some prescription medication. Always seek the advice of your GP or healthcare professional if you are under medical supervision.

For more information on olive leaf please contact Bare Health on 01260 408413 or email you enquiries to

References available on request.

Complementary Therapies at Bare Health

Bare Health Holistics

I'm sure many of you will be aware of Bare Health, Independent Health Store in Congleton, Cheshire, however, did you know that there is also a busy Complementary Therapy Centre within? 

'Bare Health Holistics' operates from three bespoke treatment rooms within Bare Health and has a resident team of ten fully qualified, experienced and professional therapists who are able to offer a diverse range of complementary therapies to treat mind, body & soul. Click 'here' to find out more about our therapists

For whenever you need a little pampering and relaxation or you are looking for a complementary approach in tackling a particular health issue, be it physical, psychological or emotional, the team at Bare Health Holistics are experienced in guiding & supporting you to restore your healthy balance.

Treatments Tailored to Your Needs

All treatment plans at Bare Health Holistics are designed to cater for your individual needs and the team will refer you to the practitioner/s best suited to your needs at that moment in time. You might feel the benefit from a 'one off' appointment or you may require a number of sessions with different therapists. The aim being to work with you and your desired outcomes so you get the most from your session. We are also able to offer treatment packages - a multi-disciplinary approach that lets you truly embrace the 'Holistic' Approach to Health.

Extensive Range of Therapies

We have put together an extensive range of treatments that address the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of holistic health. From Homeopathy, Massage, Reiki, Reflexology and Facials to Life Coaching, Counselling, Nutritional Consultations & Bach Flower essence consultations. This is just a small selection of whats we have to offer. For our more in depth listings,you can now Browse our list of therapies and 'download' our treatment brochure online to see our full treatment range. And don't forget to keep an eye on our treatment Special Offers page too, this is where you can make some great savings!

New for 2014

Joining the Bare Health team of Holistic Therapists............

We are thrilled to have Catherine Schofield joining our team of therapists in January 2014. Catherine is a Medical Herbalist who holds a first class honors degree in herbal medicine and is registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. She will be extending her busy Stockport Practice to hold regular clinics at Bare Health. To find out more about what to expect from a consultation in Herbal Medicine click 'here' or alternatively you can email here at

Oriental Thai Foot Massage

Traditional Thai Foot Massage is a combination of acupressure, energy balancing and stretching exercises. Thai foot massage is practised everywhere in Thailand and is a part of everyday life, using techniques that date back over 2000 years. The treatment focuses on the lower legs and feet with the therapist applying a range of pressures and techniques using their hands, thumbs and a wooded acupressure massage tool to stimulate and balance the body's systems and energy/chi by addressing the Sen lines and Pressure Points. 

Special Introductory offer - £25 Saving £5!

"An invigorating yet relaxing massage, what a wonderful experience for my tired, aching legs and feet after a long day of Christmas shopping. As a runner, I also found this treatment to be of great benefit, especially the calf massage which helped relieve muscle tension and disperse some of those painful knots. This treatment is unlike anything i've had before. I would highly recommend it and sue is a true professional. I will be back for more"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lisa B.

For more information or to book an appointment please call Bare Health on 01260 408413 or email

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Garlic - Nature's Defender against Infection & Superbugs

Did you think that Garlic could only be used to ward off vampires?? Then think again.

Allium Sativum commonly known as garlic has a history of human use of over 7000 years dating back as far as the ancient Egyptians – bulbs of garlic was even found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, placed there to protect him against evil spirits in the afterlife. But these days we are more familiar for its culinary and medicinal purposes.

There is a wealth of research available demonstrating the various benefits that Garlic can have on health. From helping reduce cholesterol and blood pressure to supporting Immune Health. However, were you aware that an extract taken from garlic known as Allicin (a sulphur compound produced by the crushing or chewing of garlic) has been hailed as nature’s natural antibiotic, having a broad spectrum anti bacterial activity? With evidence highlighting its extraordinary potential to kill some of the deadly strains of bacteria such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) where conventional antibiotics have previously failed.

Allicin is the compound that is produced from the interaction of two other garlic compounds Alliin and Allinase, under normal circumstances it is a very unstable molecule that quickly breaks down into other sulphur compounds. However, a research company called Allicin International has developed and patented a method of capturing and stabilising Allicin from fresh garlic, which is then dried to form a powder and encapsulated. This exciting innovation called AllicinMax has now been shown to combat superbugs such as MRSA, which over recent years has been the cause of numerous deaths in hospitals.


The stabilising process ensures the active ingredient can be converted and distributed in the body to where it is most needed. AllicinMax is the only product available that is known to contain Allicin in its stabilised form.

Research carried out by Dr. Ron Cutler of Queen Mary University, London, supports the claim that Allicin can in fact combat MRSA and other secondary infections which can be contracted whilst in hospital. Using samples of the MRSA bacteria in his laboratories, Dr. Cutler and his team successfully used allicin to eradicate any trace of the infection.

The researchers at Allicin International have also shown AllicinMax to be a powerful weapon against E-Coli, Salmonella, Helicobacter Pylori and many other bacterial infections.

In addition it has many anti fungal and anti viral applications. It is particularly beneficial during the winter months as a preventative – research confirming a 60% reduction in the likelihood of developing a cold and should you be unlucky and fall prey to colds & flu, then it has also been shown to reduce symptom duration and reduce the chances of re-infection.

AllicinMax can be taken orally in capsules and also applied topically as a cream or gel.

It is available to buy at Bare Health, your local Independent Health Store & Holistic Treatment Centre.


 For more information please call Bare Health on 01260 408413

Always seek the advice of your GP or Healthcare professional if taking existing medication or have a prescribed medical condition.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

COMING SOON to Bare Health 

Metabolic Assessments with Pete Byworth 

Do you have problems maintaining a healthy bodyweight? Are you a keen Sportsperson who would like to improve your Sports Performance?

If so our new Metabolic Assesment Clinic at Bare Health may just be the thing you need!

Why take a metabolic assessment?

Guessing is not an intelligent choice if there is a better alternative available. Trial and error is not a sensible strategy if time is of the essence.

How many calories a day do I need? Remember, even if the quality of your nutrition is excellent, if the quantity represents more than you require, you will gain weight (and the surplus will be stored by the body as fat).
How many calories of fat am I burning at different heart rates? Where is my lactate threshold? At what exercise intensity am I burning only carbohydrates? What is my maximum heart rate? What is my ideal race-pace? How should I be training, how hard, how often and how long?
The duration and intensity of your exercise will dictate the affect that exercise has on you – what physiological adaptations are provoked. If either of these key variables is misinformed, then the results achieved may be undesired, or at least, not what you primarily intended-not the best use of your time.
A metabolic assessment allows you to address all of these questions and more, providing you with specific solutions that are completely personal to you.

What happens in an assessment?

There are two types of assessment available, an RMR (resting metabolic rate) and an Exercise assessment (VO2max or Sub-max). The two assessments are each allocated an hour, compliment each other and most people do both as either a ninety-minute or a two-hour combined assessment.

The RMR Assessment: You will be asked to put on a soft, pliant neoprene (the same material wetsuits are made from) mask and sit quietly in a comfortable chair for about fifteen minutes. All you have to do is breath through your mouth naturally and relax. The mask has a breathing tube that is attached to a gas exchange analyzer, and that to a computer that records and analyses the measurements taken (the amount of oxygen you are using and the amount of carbon-dioxide you are exhaling).

The Exercise Assessment: The exercise assessment is typically done on a bike or a treadmill and lasts twelve to fifteen minutes. You wear the same mask you did for the RMR and it is attached in the same way. We usually use a ramped protocol, which means that progressively the exercise intensity becomes harder over time, either until you can no longer continue at that intensity in the case of a maximal assessment, or, until the point where you stop burning any fat (anaerobic threshold) for a sub-maximal assessment. After this point is reached, you will be able to gently cool down and stretch.

What information is gained from an assessment?

The RMR assessment measures the daily calorific requirement for the maintenance of your present weight. From here targets can be agreed depending on your goals. It also establishes your metabolic type-whether you are predominantly a FAT burner at rest or a CARBOHYDRATE burner, the implications of which will be discussed in the consultation.
The Exercise Assessment provides a complete metabolic profile of your bodies varying responses across a range of intensities. It maps heart rate, oxygen uptake, carbohydrate usage, fat usage, total calories used, lung function, lactate build up and recovery rate (among other things). It provides the recognized Gold Standard evaluation of aerobic and cardiovascular fitness.

What do I get after the assessment?

At the end of the practical part of the assessment we will analyse and interpret the results in the context of your own goals, aims and objectives, be they quite generic in nature (successful weight management, reduction in body fat and a good level of fitness) or be they very targeted and specific (how best to preparation for a marathon/triathlon, establish race pace for the E’tape or how to go sub-12, 11, 10 hours at an Iron man etc).

You will have chance to ask any questions you want, talk about diet, training, rest, training schedules or perhaps things you have suspected or been told and always wondered about and have wanted to corroborate. Where relevant (RMR), we will articulate specific calorific guidelines in order that you meet your weight management goals. We will talk through specific training prescriptions and strategies based upon your results, the time you have available and your primary aims.

You will be given bespoke training zones, your lactate threshold and tolerances, anaerobic threshold, lung capacity, highest heart rates, VO2max/sub-max, total calories used at all intensities, fat calories versus carbohydrate calories at all intensities and a number of additional measurements.

As well as all of the above, we can send you the full assessment data along with a detailed report covering everything discussed during the assessment and presented in an easy to digest format. Included in the price, we also offer you post assessment support via email in order to assist with any questions or queries you may have further down the line as you start to implement the reports suggestions and findings.

You can read one client’s blog post and see a short video clip of his test here:

You can also read a great article by Mat Brett (Ex Editor of 220 triathlon magazine)

For a limited period we are thrilled to be able to offer great introductory discounts for these tests at Bare Health:

1) RMR £45.00 (RRP £80.00)

2) Exercise testing £75.00 (RRP £150.00)

For more details on this service please contact Bare Health on 01260 408413 or email

Why wait? Be the best you can be, today!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Winter Wellness @ Bare Health

What steps are you taking this winter to help banish the sniffles, colds, bugs & flu?

Keeping your Immune System in tip top shape is vital to avoid the misery that the cold season can bring. This winter we will bring to you the best in Immune Support, from healthy eating tips, Immune boosting foods, natural remedies and Complementary Therapies to help you stay fighting fit over the winter months.

In this blog the focus is on Beta Glucans and their role in Immune Support

A relatively new supplement, Beta Glucans are a scientifically proven defence modifier (BDM) that nutritionally potentiates & modulates Immune response. They are derived from Yeast cell walls, various fungi, grains and medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake & maitake. Research has identified different types of Beta Glucans, however it is the Beta-glucans 1-3, 1-6 that are notable for for their abiltiy to modulate the Immune system.

So how do Beta Glucans work?

In the late 1980's Dr. Joyce Czop, at Harvard University, described the mode of action of this material in stimulating the immune system: there is a specific receptor for beta-1-3-glucan on the surface of certain cells, called macrophages, (macrophages engulf and then digest cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or as mobile cells, and stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen) and when activated, these macrophages stimulate a cascade of events turning the body into "an arsenal of defense".

For many years now Beta-glucans have been the subject of numerous studies, particularly for their immune enhancing properties and their ability to activate macrophages. A recent clinical human trial (jan 2013) appeared in the European Journal of Nutrition proving that Beta-glucans 1-3, 1-6 help prevent colds, improves symptoms and increases the body's potential to invade against invading pathogens.

Support you Immunity, naturally with Beta-glucans from Bare Health

Help maintain your healthy immune balance this winter with Solgar Beta Glucan Immune Complex. A comprehensive formula of six key nutrients with a berry blend. The ideal supplement for times when your body requires that little extra support.

Get the benefits of Beta-glucans with the additional support of other key ingredients that aid your innate immunity

Key Ingredients: As well as Beta-glucans this formula also contains:

Vitamin C
Berry Blend (Standardised Elderberry, Blueberry & Acai)
Vitamin D3

Sugar, Salt & Starch free

Directions for use: Two per day with food


Natures Answer Maitake Bio-Beta-Glucan 60ml

A quality Beta-glucans supplement in liquid form.

A highly active fraction of the Maitake Beta-1,6-glucan chain with Beta-1,3 branches. Maitake Bio-Beta-Glucan has been shown to promote a healthy immune system.

Directions for use

As a dietary supplement take 1 ml (approx. 28 drops) 3 times a day in a small amount of water.
Each serving contains: Maitake mushroom fruiting body extract.

Guaranteed to contain a minimum of 14 mg. of Beta-1,6-glucan with Beta-1,3 branches 50 mg

If you would like more information on any of the products contained within this blog do pop into the store - we are always more than happy to help


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition, always consult your GP or Healthcare professional prior to taking any of the products mentioned in this article

Supplements should not be used in place of a balanced, varied diet.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Raising Awareness - The Importance of Vitamin D

National Vitamin D Awareness week – a campaign to banish the ‘buts’

The second annual National Vitamin D Awareness Week starts on the 21st October, the last week of British Summer Time.
The campaign aims to spark a national debate and get the nation talking about how much vitamin D we really get from the sun and our diet, and the steps at risk groups should take to avoid deficiency.
Andrew Thomas, founder and managing director of awareness week supporters BetterYou, said: “Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most important lifestyle problems facing us today; people need access to the right information in order to take action. 
“There are so many misconceptions surrounding vitamin D. ‘But I eat well,’ ‘but I have just been on holiday’, ‘but I am often outdoors’, ‘but I wasn’t told I needed vitamin D’ and so on. This campaign seeks to change those attitudes through high impact visuals and honest debate, setting a new agenda for how we think about vitamin D in this country.”

So what is Vitamin D and why do I need it?
Vitamin D, often referred to as the sunshine vitamin is essential for healthy teeth and bones and an efficient immune system. Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D by synthesizing ultraviolet light from sunlight. However, people not sufficiently exposed to the sun may not synthesise sufficient vitamin D to meet physiological requirements. And as the dark nights draw in and we catch fewer glimpses of the sun, the chances of our developing a deficiency increases. In fact, some researchers suggest that one reason that we are more prone to colds, flu and infection in winter is due to reduced vitamin D production as a result of darker days.

Think, how much Sun exposure do you receive each day?
Our national state of health with regards Vitamin D is a growing cause for concern. Requiring 2-3 hours of unprotected sun exposure every week to produce the essential levels of Vitamin D. Many of us are not achieving this. The problem is exacerbated by the use of sun screens which further hinders Vitamin D production.

So why are we at risk and who falls into the most vulnerable groups?
Firstly, we live in a northern climate and unfortunately the UK is one of the cloudiest countries in the industrialised world – cloud cover and sun dramatically reduce our ability to produce vitamin D. Air pollution further hinders our ability to produce vitamin D. Polluted air soaks up UVB or reflects it back into space. Secondly, due to the demands of modern life we spend more time indoors – children playing computer games, internet browsing, work pressures lead to a lack of leisure time and thirdly we cover up to protect ourselves from the sun and lather on the sun cream.
Simon Pearce, Professor of Endocrinology at Newcastle University says “Kids tend to stay indoors more these days instead of enjoying fresh air. This means their vitamin D levels are worse than in previous years”
Certain groups of the population have been identified as being more vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency – Pregnant and breastfeeding women, People over the age of 50, Children Under 5, The housebound and those who cover up when they go outside, vegetarians and people who have darker skin
In a recent survey by BetterYou it emerged that 90% of mums were not advised to take vitamin D during pregnancy and many of those questioned did not realise they were an at risk group and recognition of at-risk groups for deficiency was also worryingly low. This only highlights the necessity for a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of Vitamin D.

Debunking the misconceptions
Together we can help raise awareness of this crucial campaign and banish the buts! This year’s key messages are:
But I have a healthy diet –
You’d still need to drink 80 glasses of milk a day to maintain a healthy level of vitamin D. Banish the buts…only 10% of our essential vitamin D comes from our diet, mainly from oily fish and eggs.
But I’m often outdoors –
The UK is one of the cloudiest countries in the industrialised world.
Banish the buts…cloud cover and low sun dramatically reduce our ability to produce vitamin D.
But I wasn’t told I needed vitamin D –
90% of mums have not been advised about the importance of vitamin D.*
Banish the buts…the Department of Health identify those pregnant and breastfeeding as ‘at risk’ groups requiring supplementation

How to boost your Vitamin D levels

With only 10% of our vitamin D levels coming from food our Vitamin D requirements cannot be met through diet alone. So this leaves us to make up the other 90% through increasing our exposure to sunlight (which is easier to do during the summer months but becomes increasingly difficult as winter sets in) or by supplementation. According to a recent update from the prestigious Harvard Medical School, to ensure an adequate intake of this vital nutrient supplementation is advised. It is important to make sure you are taking a good quality vitamin D supplement in the form of D3 (Cholecalciferol). Vitamin D3 is the type of vitamin D your body produces in response to sun exposure.

Your local health store can advise you on the best form of vitamin D to take and how to take it. It is available to buy in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid or an oral (sublingual) spray.

Most people can take vitamin D supplements with no problems. However, care is needed in a few situations. It is always advisable to check with your GP if taking prescribed medication or have a diagnosed medical condition as there are certain situations where Vitamin D supplementation may not be advised or certain conditions may warrant higher doses to be administered.

For more information on Vitamin D and how it may help you please call into Bare Health, Congleton or call us on 01260 408413. We are always happy to help.

 To find out how Bare Health is getting involved with Vitamin D awareness week check out our facebook page ‘Bare Health’ page or follow us on twitter @barehealth1

You can also get involved with the campaign via Facebook ( or Twitter (@NVDAW_UK), share what you are doing and join the debate. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Bare Health Blog: The Benefits of Mindfulness

Bare Health Blog: The Benefits of Mindfulness: The Benefits of Mindfulness By Lisa Barlow Mindfulness is defined by some as being attentive and aware, non-judgmenta...

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Bare Health Skincare Favourites

Right now we're all loving the Natural & Organic Skincare products from Herbfarmacy & Antipodes at Bare Health.

Over the last few weeks I've been testing out Herbfarmacy Mallow Beauty Balm and Antipodes Juliet Skin Brightening Cleanser and WOW what a difference they have made. Recently customers have commented how healthy my skin is looking and have been asking me what I've been using - so I thought id share it in our blog

At this time of year I often change my facial moisturiser from a light day cream to something a little more nourishing & protective for when the cold winter weather starts to set in.

Herbfarmacy's Award Winning Mallow Beauty Balm is just the thing! You only need to use it sparingly, a little, does indeed go a long way which makes this product great value for money. Oh! And did I forget to say its 100% organic! 

The soothing and deeply moisturising properties of the oil extract of Herbfarmacy's signature herb Marshmallow is the basis for this lush facial balm, and is combined with Mullein flowers which have mucilages that boost the softening effect on lines and wrinkles.This is a great alternative to a serum and can double up as moisturiser and night cream. It has certainly left my skin feeling deeply nourised and much softer - I think I may have a few less creases around my eyes too:)

Even though i'm aware of the importance of following a daily beauty routine that involves cleansing, toning & moisturising the skin, I have in the past found myself skipping the cleansing part. Why? I just hadn't found a facial cleansing product that didn't leave my skin feeling irritated & dry. That is until now :) As soon as I opened the bottle the scent of green apple & cardamon in the Antipodes Juliet Skin Brightening gel enticed me in and I just had to give it a go. And I was thrilled with the results! At last, a cleanser that's kind on my skin, gently exfoliates and it hasn't caused reddening or irritation it! In fact, My skin is all a glow. Now don't even get me started on the Antipodes Body Moisturiser........... 

SUITED TO NORMAL, OILY & BLEMISHED SKIN CONDITIONS, UK Vegetarian Society Approved and comes in Recyclabe Packaging

Bare Health Skincare Rating: 5/5


And here's a little tempter of our Antipodes Christmas Gift pack coming soon..... together these products usually retail at £71 but you can buy them in this beautiful gift set for just £49.99 A Huge saving of over £20!! 

OR how about a gift voucher for one of our 'Signature Antipodes Skincare Facials'? Gift Vouchers now available in store at Bare Health.

KRILL OIL and its benefits

Krill Oil 

For many years now, Fish Oils have held their place high among the list of favourites when it comes to choosing an Omega 3 Supplement. Getting an adequate intake and the right balance of Omega Oils is essential in order to maintain our healthy balance. Research has shown Omega Oils to have positive roles in maintaining the health of our cells, hormone balance, heart health, Brain function & concentration, energy levels, weight loss, healthy skin, healthy joints - the list goes, an extensive list indeed. We can certainly obtain a certain amount of Omega 3 in our diet through the consumption of oily fish, nuts & seeds, however, its not always possible to get sufficient amounts through diet alone and supplementation with a quality omega 3 supplement can often be of benefit.

And although Fish Oils remain a best seller, there's now a new Omega 3 source emerging on the market that is rapidly increasing in popularity with studies revealing that its benefits are more pronounced and wider reaching than those we know of Fish Oil. It also addresses consumers distaste with large capsule size and fishy burps whilst delivering all the positive health benefits associated with Omega-3 - Cleanmarine® Krill Oil.

Krill are a shrimp like crustacean and form the largest biomass on the planet.  They are fished in the Antarctic where the waters are pure, so do not have the PCB and toxin concerns that arise with some fish oils.  Apart from the purity krill oil has certain other advantages over fish oils

Better absorption and no fishy burps

Omega 3 from Cleanmarine® Kirll Oil has been shown to absorb better than fish oils – up to 59% better in fact.  This allows one small capsule a day to have the same or superior effect as larger or a greater quantity of fish oil capsules.  This is due to the Omega 3 in krill oil being in phospholipid form rather than the triglyceride form found in fish oil.  Phospholipids are not dependent on bile for digestion and they disperse in water. This means they are utilised by the body more effectively so allowing a smaller dose than fish oil and dissolve in the small intestine not the stomach so there is no fishy burp or reflux.

More effective than fish oil

Krill Oil has been directly compared to fish oil in a number of clinical trials and in all cases has outperformed fish oil in terms of efficacy. Cleanmarine® Krill Oil has been shown to have the same clinical benefits as fish oil for Heart Health and Brain Function but  in much smaller doses and, in addition, superior benefits for Joint Health, PMS and vision

Contains a powerful Anti-oxidant

Astaxanthin, a powerful anti-oxidant that gives krill their reddish colour provides a healthy anti-oxidant boost and keeps Cleanmarine® Krill Oil fresh, preserving its delicate Essential Fatty Acids.  Fish Oils do not contain astaxanthin and anti-oxidants have to be added separately later in the processing stages.


Cleanmarine® Krill Oil is the first marine Omega 3 Oil in Europe to be certified by the Marine Stewardship Council as being sourced from a sustainable and well managed fishery.

Many people think of Krill as whale food and this is true for some species of whale.  However, the quantity of krill in the Antarctic far outweighs the consumption by whales and other predators.  Total biomass of krill is estimated to be 133 million tonnes, almost twice that of the human population, but the ‘Total Allowable Limit’ set by CCAMLR (the inter-governmental body that oversees marine resources in Antarctica) for the fishing of krill is just 8.6 million tonnes and the actual fished tonnage of krill is 40 times lower than this allowable level.

Zero By-catch

A large concern of many consumers of fish derived products is the unwanted by-catch of marine life and birds that are killed whilst trawlers ply their routes.  Cleanmarine® allows independent observers on board the trawlers to monitor this and the unique eco-harvesting method used for catching krill ensures that there is zero by-catch.  

Krill Oil offers superior Joint Health benefits to Fish Oil at smaller doses!

In clinical trials just one capsule a day has been proven to help keep joints healthy.

One randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study evaluated the effect of Krill oil on symptoms of arthritis in 90 patients who received either Krill oil (one capsule daily) or placebo for 30 days. All anti-inflammatory medications were discontinued one week prior to the start of the study and for its duration.  Patients treated with Krill oil showed a highly significant reduction in pain scores, reduction in joint stiffness and functional impairment.  The researchers concluded that Krill oil is “safe and effective in reducing inflammation and arthritic symptoms within 7 to 14 days.” (1)  
Krill Oil was also included in a review of all trials examining the analgesic effects of omega 3 supplementation for inflammatory joint pain. The krill oil trial outperformed all of the fish oil trials by delivering the highest level of reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs consumption (NSAID’s are typically used to treat the condition but often with major side effects) and delivering the best results in patient assessments after 3-4 months (2)

1.         Deutsch. J Am Clin Nut 2007; 26, 39-48
2.         Goldberg et al. Pain. 2007; 129, 210-223

For more information please pop in Bare Health or call us on 01260 408413 or alternatively email:

The information in the newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your GP if taking prescribed medication.

Guided Relaxation for Health and Wellbeing

Coming Soon to Bare Health: 
Guided Relaxation Classes for Health & Wellbeing

Modern life is fast paced, full of hustle and bustle.  Images, sights, sounds, work, friends and family all vying for our attention; telling us what to buy/eat/play with/watch.....leaving little room for us to just be.

Guided relaxation is a kind of directed daydreaming, a way of using the imagination very specifically to help mind and body relax, heal and stay strong.  Gentle suggestions of soothing images are given in a very relaxed atmosphere.  Although initially directed, over time, and sometimes even right away, the imagery becomes more and more spontaneous.  The mind automatically starts to edit, consciously or unconsciously, adding meaningful associations and rich metaphors of its own.  During the scripted imagery, you may find that the images that have meaning to you will come to the fore, while those that are irrelevant fade into the background.  When practiced regularly, at some point the content starts to shift and change, almost of its own accord.  As the unconscious mind recognises what is needed and spontaneously provides it.

To many people imagery means something visual, but during guided relaxation the imagery is any sensory impression: sights, sounds, smells, taste or touch.  For some, sound may be the most evocative sense they possess; for others it may be touch or sight.  To the body these sensory ‘images’ can be as real as actual events.

This use of imagery helps a lot of people in various ways.  It can help to combat fear, isolation, depression, and anxiety.  It can engender hope, optimism and peace of mind.  Many people use imagery to help them to relax, maintain their good health and reduce the effects of stress.

So whether you want to re-discover the realms of your imagination, de-stress or just escape for some ‘me’ time, why not join us for an evening of relaxation and tranquillity. 

The first Guided Relaxation for Health and Wellbeing evening will be on Wednesday 20th November 2013, 7pm, at Bare Health, Congleton.  For more information or to book your place please contact Bare Health on 01260 408413 or Sarah on 07881 816439.  Individual appointments are also available.

Find out more about events at Bare Health by clicking 'here'

Personal Exploration & Self Development

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Benefits of Mindfulness

The Benefits of Mindfulness
By Lisa Barlow

Mindfulness is defined by some as being attentive and aware, non-judgmentally.  For me it is about absorbing yourself fully in the present moment with all your senses. It’s about paying attention, giving full attention to the here and now. This means neither worrying about the future nor playing over and over mental tapes from the past. Having come from a place where this kind of thinking was the norm I find concentrating on my breathing, the basic inhale and exhale helps me to get into a more relaxed, mindful state.  Accepted, it is easier to do when you are not in a stressful situation and are alone so it’s perhaps best to practice first where you won’t be disturbed. Breathing deep into the belly also helps. Lying on your back, place your hand gently on your belly and feel your stomach move out with the inhale and in with the exhale.  Try and breathe through your nose only.  Yoga and meditation groups can help you with this if you are struggling.

Becoming more mindful helps us to start exploring our thoughts in more detail and uncover unconscious tapes we play over and over.  Some are helpful for our lives, some aren’t.  It’s up to us to uncover them and then decide whether they are still fit for purpose and useful for our lives as they stand today. 

Often, we have developed strategies and responses that may have helped us as a child or young adult but could be causing us problems now! Before we respond to triggers (what people say or do, or situations that remind us of things from the past) it is helpful to become mindful of our thoughts to the trigger before responding with words and actions. 

Through understanding and clarity of our own minds we can start to have more compassion with ourselves and others.  Whatever comes from another person is their stuff, as our stuff is ours.We’re just trying to interact with each other the best way we can, bearing in mind we will all have different perceptions on the ‘truth’ based on what we have heard or seen.  Communication is complex!!  

Becoming aware of the words you use in your conversations, the intent behind them (your hidden motivations, if any), the tone you use and the body language you display can help to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to arguments and conflict. Becoming more mindful of thoughts, words and actions requires effort but I know from personal experience that all your relationships will benefit from some self exploration and taking the time to SLOW DOWN.  Please take the time to truly smell the roses, this time will come just once, experience it fully. I have learned that our inner worlds can be whatever we want them to be, regardless of what is going on around us.

Reading I have found useful relating to this topic:

Anthony De Mello – Awareness

The Dance – Oriah Mountain Dreamer (Useful meditation practices)

The Art of Happiness – The Dalai Lama

Happiness: A Guide to developing life’s most important skill – Matthieu Ricard

Joyful Wisdom – Sogyal Rinpoche

Mindful Manifesto:  How doing less and noticing more can help us thrive in a stressed-out world - Dr Jonty Heaversedge, Ed Halliwell

Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

The Tibetan Art of Serenity – Christopher Hansard

For more information on Mindfulness and how you can incorporate it into your daily lives contact Lisa Barlow, Bare Health Personal Development Coach on 01260 408413